lightroom ? Photoshop ? anyone ?

I am really likeing LR, using it with no proplems on PC. Its nice and quick! and have enjoyed using it so far. Its far less comlex than photoshop and does exactly what i need. search around the net and you will find some very intresting plug ins for it!
I run Photoshop CS2 at home and work. For work it does all of my digital work and at home, does alot of my work that I didn't get done during the day and had to do at home until the wee small hours...but also my film stuff.

Having given up my darkroom a few years back with the pressures of digital and client expectations I now put all my home processed films (taken for my pleasure not work) through PS. I love it, I can scan and then do all my old darkroom processes without being in a tiny, unventilated room in nothing more than my shorts. I prefer to just use the same tools that I used in the darkroom so as to keep the feeling of the old times...I kind of see too much PS as cheating, but thats just a rule I go by for myself.

One day, if I have the space and time, I'd like to go back to a true wet darkroom but only to tinker...I was never a master printer!!
Nikon NX runs fast on my pc with JPEGS. NEF RAW is a dog.

So maybe those who think Lightroom is ok are using JPEGS or those who think it is slow use RAW.

RAW runs fine in CS2 ACR at my house. I will eventually erase NX as it is to imprecise for me. Control points are quick, but you can`t precisely set the area covered. Multiple ones are overlapping nightmares in eventoned areas.
I just want to put this out into the universe: Apple or Adobe should really just buy the Lightzone folks and include it as a tool in either Aperture or Lightroom. Localized adjustment (in such an intuitive fashion) is the only thing missing from both programs. Actually, Aperture really would have an edge on LR if it had this ability -- Adobe probably wouldn't want to cannibalize sales of their other programs.
I m not planning to go digital for shooting in a short time. But I'm planning to go on scanning (Nikon 5000ED just arrived) and try to inkjet printing. I do not make any real manipulation, sometimes cropping, little play with level to adjust contrast and brightness, dodging or burning trying to imitate my (old) procedure of a real darkroom. For this I think sw like CS3 is too much: too expensive and will be only partially used. I think a combination of PS Elements and Lightroom (maybe my wife will go digital!) shoul be ok.
The Lightroom preset mentioned in the venchka thread a few days ago are very impressive, at least my opinon.