Looking for Destination Suggestions


Local time
12:01 PM
Dec 12, 2007
My daughter and I have 90 days of travel starting in mid-August. We are planning on about 3 weeks in each of the following countries: Scotland, Portugal/Spain and Morocco.

We are having problems picking a final country. Originally, it was going to be Israel and Jerusalem. For various reasons, we are looking else where. Some of the areas under consideration are Italy, France, Turkey, and Greece. We have spend ten days in Istanbul and loved it. Turkey is high on our list but we are open to suggestions. The time frame would be the last of October and first half on November.
My daughter and I have 90 days of travel starting in mid-August. We are planning on about 3 weeks in each of the following countries: Scotland, Portugal/Spain and Morocco.

We are having problems picking a final country. Originally, it was going to be Israel and Jerusalem. For various reasons, we are looking else where. Some of the areas under consideration are Italy, France, Turkey, and Greece. We have spend ten days in Istanbul and loved it. Turkey is high on our list but we are open to suggestions. The time frame would be the last of October and first half on November.

Wow. Sounds amazing. I'm really envious.

Haven't been to Turkey but it is on the list. Anyone we know who has gone and toured around has raved about it.

Boy, Italy, France and Greece. That's a good three to pick from. Can't say I was crazy about Greece although it has its good points of course. I would go France or Italy over Greece.
Wow. Sounds amazing. I'm really envious.

Haven't been to Turkey but it is on the list. Anyone we know who has gone and toured around has raved about it.

Boy, Italy, France and Greece. That's a good three to pick from. Can't say I was crazy about Greece although it has its good points of course. I would go France or Italy over Greece.
Then again, I live in France; can't stand Italy (worst drivers in the world, and if the food is so good, why do they eat so much pizza?); and love everywhere I've been in Greece (mainland x 2, Rhodes, Crete).


France - there is so much variety in the country that many French people never feel the need to travel abroad for their holidays. The southern half of the country shouldn't be too cold end of October, beginning November and of course you may find some wonderful autumn colours.
Italy, Poland, Germany

Italy, Poland, Germany

My daughter and I have 90 days of travel starting in mid-August. We are planning on about 3 weeks in each of the following countries: Scotland, Portugal/Spain and Morocco.

We are having problems picking a final country. Originally, it was going to be Israel and Jerusalem. For various reasons, we are looking else where. Some of the areas under consideration are Italy, France, Turkey, and Greece. We have spend ten days in Istanbul and loved it. Turkey is high on our list but we are open to suggestions. The time frame would be the last of October and first half on November.

Go to Italy and there is no need to go to Spain, Portugal and France. If Italy does not have it, it does not exist ;)

That leaves Poland which is a very beautiful country will everything from wonderful beaches (albeit cold in October) through great cities, mountains etc. It is also a fantastic country to be a guest in. And there is much history to photograph.

Finally Germany is the secret gem of Europe. So much culture, so much history, so beautiful landscapes and things just work.

Had it been a Summer adventure I would have suggested Scandinavia as well, but not in November. Have a wonderful trip.
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France - there is so much variety in the country that many French people never feel the need to travel abroad for their holidays. The southern half of the country shouldn't be too cold end of October, beginning November and of course you may find some wonderful autumn colours.
Dear Robin,

True, but many are aggressively monolingual (about on a par with the English, not quite as bad as Americans) and quite a few are more than a little xenophobic. Some are also short-sightedly penny-pinching: they'd do better to go abroad in August because France absurdly expensive. The last does not of course affect the OP at the time indicated.

I have been surprised at how many French people I have encountered in Malta...


Thanks guys, had not even thought of Malta. I just came from its tourism web page and it looks very intriguing.

I know everyone has certain favorite countries and may be very proud of them or where they live. We plan on sampling a bit of each: the Highlands of Scotland while hiking the Great Glen Way, exploring Portugal/Spain while hiking about 200 km of the Camino de Santiago, spending a week riding Arabians in Morocco.

I am going to suggest it to my daughter as she was hesitant about either Italy or France (been there before). We both think highly of Turkey and neither of us has been to Greece.
Daughter Approves

Daughter Approves

My 24 year old daughter (visiting for the weekend) just walked in the door. She and I have been debating a final destination and I suggested Malta. She smiled and added we can also visit friends in Rome.

Problem solved.
Sicily would be nice at that time of year
Yes, but that's a "Can't we just..."

DO NOT try to fit in too much. Another two days in Malta is worth a LOT more than cutting the Malta trip short and squeezing in another two too-short days somewhere else.


By that description, are you sure you don't live in NYC or Philadelphia? :D

Phil Forrest
Dear Phil,

No, but I've driven in both and eaten in both (along with India, Mexico, Malta, Greece, Paris...) and none of them can begin to compare with Italy when it comes to bad driving. There's some quite good food in both, too, even if it is for the most part borrowed from elsewhere.


Lots of Time in Asia

Lots of Time in Asia

I spent a lot of time in Asia courtesy of the US government back in the 1980's. Recently, I have spent three of my last four foreign trips in SE Asia. I went to Nepal, Thailand, and Cambodia about three years ago taking my daughter to Thailand and Cambodia. I have been back to Thailand and just returned from a couple weeks of motorcycling in Laos.

My next trip to Asia will involve a lot of travel in India but first this European trip followed by a motorcycle trip in Jan/Feb 2015 to Panama. And possibly a motorcycle trip through Mongolia next summer.
This might be an old thread but let me share my tips for traveling abroad. Whenever I plan to go abroad, I always plan it ahead of time, probably like 6 months before leaving. I'm always into adventures so I always want to explore new places. Before going to places, I am making sure it's safe because most of the time I am traveling alone. Just like I did when I visited Spain. I made a research how safe this country is at https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/spain/ and it really helped me. From now on, I'm always making sure that traveling new places will be worth my time and I am always prepared.