lost coatings on TLR


Local time
2:15 PM
Aug 13, 2007

I just got rolleiflex 2.8F from my friend to try, he want to sell to me about 900 USD, is too high?

Problem is taking lens lost some coatings but didn't have scratch, fungus or haze overall condition is good, mechanic is good, cosmatic is good. asking here is lost some coatings is affect to pictures?

Another problem is he tell me meter is usable but not accurate, must compensate ASA instead eg. if i use iso400 film i must set ASA dial to 200 this normal for 30 years old camera?

Thanks You
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Decoating should not be too much of a problem unless you are very critical. But you must use a lens hood. And, if possible, avoid shooting into the sun. Old meters are never accurate. Best to use a handheld meter. As to US$900, well! maybe you can talk him down a bit.
The 'lost coatings' may be oil marks, as it would be unusual (but not unknown) for this lens to lose coating: try cleaning with Caliope Opticlean, which is quite different from any other cleaner you paint it on, let it dry, and peel it off.

Yes, it is quite common for old meters to be inaccurate.

Can't comment on the price.


I agree talk him down, but if you get it you won't believe the negatives.

Thanks all,

Price reduce 800 usd, my friend say this price for me only

good investment? :)

I'll ask for more toys such rolleinar from him too.

Thanks again.