M4-P + Summitar Photos


... likes film again.
Local time
8:36 PM
Dec 27, 2006
... I found my M-mount / LTM adapter again and gave this combo a try. My aim was to shot one film complete at f/2.0 to see how the lens performs wide open under different conditions. Also my first roll developed in D76 (I usually use T-max dev. or HC-110)



Thanks Ned ! I am going to use D-76 more frequently now. Two more from the same roll:


Hi Maddoc, your shots are very very nice. I own also the Summitar (mine was build in 1955) and work perfectly. Is a very great performer! With this lens i use, as lens hood, the IROOA. Is not a proper combination but work very nice.
Vincenzo Maielli said:
Hi Maddoc, your shots are very very nice. I own also the Summitar (mine was build in 1955) and work perfectly. Is a very great performer! With this lens i use, as lens hood, the IROOA. Is not a proper combination but work very nice.
Vincenzo, thank you ! I forgot the build date of my Summitar but might be in the same range. (...I think it is the multicoated version that I have) It is the only lens that I own without a hood ... I heard that the original hood for this lens is expensive and rear ?
sleepyhead said:
Nice shots - somewhat "swirly-looking" bokeh on that Night Shot...

Thanks Yaron ! I wondered about that bokeh too ... Not sure about what could have it caused :confused:
I like the look. Any chance you have some portrait shots on the roll? It'd be interesting to see that side of the lens' qualities.
I love your pictures; the Summitar is a great lens. Please post some of your superb pictures here (I've just started a W/NW thread as a tribute to the Summitar; no theme, just pictures taken with this lens).
Again great shots.
Hello Maddoc,

you´ve done your work very well!

The shots are impressive and show the possibilities of the M... and his user... ;-)

I like the M4-P very much because it is a hidden gem in the m-family.

Marc-A. said:
I love your pictures; the Summitar is a great lens. Please post some of your superb pictures here (I've just started a W/NW thread as a tribute to the Summitar; no theme, just pictures taken with this lens).
Again great shots.
Thank you Marc !! I will post some of my Summitar photos in that thread !
Bully said:
Hello Maddoc,

you´ve done your work very well!

The shots are impressive and show the possibilities of the M... and his user... ;-)

I like the M4-P very much because it is a hidden gem in the m-family.

Bully, thanks ! I didn't expect any astonishing photos from the Summitar (technical-wise) and was quite surprised when I saw the developed neg. This combo (M4-P + Summitar) will be used more often from now on ... :) The M4-P really rocks ! (... and my MP is collecting dust)


A Summitar is your Best Friend.
One minute its images look old, the next as modern as the latest glass made today.
Its contrast is deep and wide. It appears thin on the surface but start nudging it in by playing with paper or curves in Photoshop and the amount of information it records to be tapped is phenomenal!
Yay for M4-P usage :)

Maddoc, nice contrasts, but like you I'm puzzled about the bokeh, if it wasn't apparent at all, it's swirly, otherwise it has that pattern (egg-shaped??) like in the picture with the banana. These are not what I typically would associate with Leitz lenses.

Just on a TLR thread this morning, some of us are discussing what can cause the swirly-bokeh, and one opinion is that it's aggravated when using 3-element lenses. But the Summitar is not a 3-element lens, is it?

Btw, I'm surprise in Japan it's not spelled 'Starubaku' :D
Bully said:
I like the M4-P very much because it is a hidden gem in the m-family.


I agree with that. Quite a few of us choose the M4-P despite having tested the other more "elite" M's. :)
Damn - having gone thru months where the Summitar is never discussed, now we have multiple posts about the lens. The secret is out.
shadowfox said:
Yay for M4-P usage :)

Maddoc, nice contrasts, but like you I'm puzzled about the bokeh, if it wasn't apparent at all, it's swirly, otherwise it has that pattern (egg-shaped??) like in the picture with the banana. These are not what I typically would associate with Leitz lenses.

Just on a TLR thread this morning, some of us are discussing what can cause the swirly-bokeh, and one opinion is that it's aggravated when using 3-element lenses. But the Summitar is not a 3-element lens, is it?

Btw, I'm surprise in Japan it's not spelled 'Starubaku' :D
"Starubaku" would be great ! :D;)

I read the thread about the squirly-bokeh in the TLR forum and slowly get the impression that my lens could need some check ... (already mailed Don) I bought the Summitar used via Yahoo auction here in Japan and the seller stated that it had been CLA'ed recently. What me concerns is that the index markings for the aperture and focus are tilted against each other by roughly 80 degrees.:confused: It could be that somebody took it apart and re-assembled it wrong :eek: ... Anyhow, I like the lens !!


Thanks all... especially Gabor. I especially like the girls and the train. In the restaurant shot, the bananas are very sharp. Yes, that is a pleasing quality to this lens... central sharpness, with
falloff towards the edges.