M7 - Deciding between .58 and .72


Local time
4:29 AM
Dec 29, 2008
I'm selling an M3, M4, and M6 soon and replacing them with an M7. This will leave me with the M7 and an M3.

I shoot probably 70% 50mm, 20% 28mm, and 10% 90mm. The M3 is just perfect for 50mm and 90mm. I wear glasses and do not have a problem seeing the frame lines of the 50mm, contrary to many indications that I would.

The M7 will primarily be for when I'm feeling lazy, or in low/changing light. Mostly. But it also will be for shooting at 28mm or (rarely) 35mm. I'm considering the .58 finder, but am curious if that's wise. How well does a 50mm work with the .58 finder? Should I just get the .72 to be safe and use the VC external viewfinder if necessary?

I've never looked through an M with the lower mag viewfinders, so I'm hoping those who have can offer some advice based on experience.

I have the CV R4a with smaller magnification for seeing wider focal lengths in-camera. I got this b/c I DO wear glasses,
and it is much easier for me to frame the composition with a 0.58 magnification. I believe you can put a 50mm
on the R4a to use as the longest lens with a matching in-camera VF frame. But the 50mm with a smaller mag will be "less" accurate.
How much less accurate? I would guess that it is the mathematical/percentage difference in the magnification of the VFs.
Eg 0.58/0.72 = 0.80, so a 20% difference in accuracy. I think this should be theoretically correct, but would ask another RFF member to confirm/deny.
But if you use a high F value on the 50mm, it may not make much difference
Buy a Hexar RF, see how you like the 0.58, sell it when you're done figuring things out.

Seconded. This has the added benefit that you may well find that the Hexar does everything you want and that you don't need an M7 at all.
Seconded. This has the added benefit that you may well find that the Hexar does everything you want and that you don't need an M7 at all.

Oh, I'm quite sure I NEED the M7. That's not what I'm undecided about. :)

And along the same lines, I could just buy the Leica .58 and sell it if I don't like it. Which is what I'm hoping to avoid by asking around first.
There is nothing for anyone to tell you, it's a matter of taste, you got to buy a rangefinder camera with 0.58 viewfinder and find things out yourself. Maybe go to a Leica dealer and try one.
Oh, I'm quite sure I NEED the M7. That's not what I'm undecided about. :)

And along the same lines, I could just buy the Leica .58 and sell it if I don't like it. Which is what I'm hoping to avoid by asking around first.

Well then :)

I think you should be fine with the .58x finder and a 50mm lens. Focusing accuracy should be comparable to that on ordinary Bessas, which is fine. You get a lot of spare room for framing.

I would wonder rather about whether you'll ever want to use that 90 with the M7, because that might get a little too narrow.
The smaller magnification (R4A in my experience) was great for the 21,25 and 28mm ranges. Adequate with 35mm, I used it frequently at that focal length, but not so great with 50mm. The framelines at 50mm are much to small, probably similar to the 135mm on .72x though.

But, I find the 28mm lines on the .72x are too close to the edge for my liking and I don't wear glasses. So, my best advice would be to get the .58x and a 1.25x or 1.4x magnifier for when you may want to use the 50 or 90mm.
I would think twice about handling a loose $400 magnifier in the field though, but still worth considering.

Doesn't have to be the Leica branded one. I use the e-clypes that cost less than half and others will swear by the even cheaper ones.
Sounds like I should be good with the .58. I don't see using the 90mm on the M7, and don't mind a bit of room around the 50mm lines.

Thanks all. It's too bad, because there's what looks to be a lovely M7 (.72) in the classifieds as we speak. Patience!
I'm a big fan of the .58 and find it comfortable from the 24 to 50, although it suits the 35 best, I haven't had any problem focusing with a 50 lux wide open.
That said, I do put the magnifier on if I'm mainly shooting with the 50, more for the size of the frame line rather than it's focus accuracy. I did at one point have both the .58 and .72, but decided to sell one and went with the .58 having lived with both for a couple of years I found the .58 much better for everything other than the 50.
I'm a big fan of the .58 and find it comfortable from the 24 to 50, although it suits the 35 best, I haven't had any problem focusing with a 50 lux wide open.
That said, I do put the magnifier on if I'm mainly shooting with the 50, more for the size of the frame line rather than it's focus accuracy. I did at one point have both the .58 and .72, but decided to sell one and went with the .58 having lived with both for a couple of years I found the .58 much better for everything other than the 50.

the 0.58 is fantastic (I wear glasses) for 35 and 28. I find the 50 frame to be too small on it.
if it's a 70% 30% situation and 50mm IS more important, you could consider a 0.72 with an external finder for the 28.
Perfect. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the .58. I've just ordered one in EX condition from KEH.com. Guess I'll find out for real if I like it!

I love this place.
+1 for pithy rejections of those who reply without answering the question the OP actually asked :p

Oh, I'm quite sure I NEED the M7. That's not what I'm undecided about. :)

And along the same lines, I could just buy the Leica .58 and sell it if I don't like it. Which is what I'm hoping to avoid by asking around first.
I find 50mm to be extremely special with a .58 viewfinder. It's really a tiny box in your finder. Not the most interesting in my humble opinion. And forget about it (unless you are very skilled) if you own a Summilux.

However with 28s AND 35s these viewfinders are DOPE.