M8 Front Focussing


Local time
11:28 AM
Jan 28, 2006
I have seen many back focusing threads but not front focusing. Any similar experiences and resolutions shared would be appreciated. I have 90mm and 50mm summicrons, the 90 being an APO. The 50 focusses fine and the 90mm has been a nightmare wide open. Cutting to the chase it focusses fine on two other bodies but front focusses by about 10mm on my body. 2.0 and 2.8 are unuseable. My 50mm works great at all apertures so I always blamed the lens. I am going to send the camera to Leica. I have read that folks send their lenses in with their bodies but I don't want them to pair the lens with a faulty body which would make it a one-camera lens.

As an aside, the 90mm has been to DAG three times and I have not used it in the 3-4 months I have owned it. I have been going nuts having taken countless test shots thinking that it was me and thinking, "maybe this time it will work." I have also driven Don nuts who was so very patient and always agreed to take another look.
I'd bet the baby bathwater that the problem is not the body, it's the rangefinder. Have it calibrated. Miscalibrations due to dropping, banging, and otherwise unloving handling throws rangefinders out of alignment.