Mac Lion Scanning Editing


Local time
6:19 AM
Jul 26, 2009
OK, so here comes the next generations of the Mac operating system for Intel processors. I assume that Aperture will work, but what about all the other scanning and editing solutions? I'm guessing that since Lion has a Linux heart, there won't be a problem with transitioning old software.
Quick fix: do not upgrade. I finally found a non-original version of Minolta scanning software for my Scan Dual IV a year ago that does run on OSX 10.5.x and 10.6.x and am not willing to risk it with a newer OSX.
Lot of "it depends" here. Lion is Intel only so anybody running Power PC won't be able to use it. Lion also drops "rosetta" which was the program that allowed old Power PC software to run on an Intel processor.

I think I read someplace that Silverfast won't run on Lion.

As DN pointed out, we'll know more next month.

Jim B.
Vuescan should work with no problems at all but OSX Lion will not be able to use Rosetta (Apple have made that very clear) and so older PPC applications will no longer work. That very sadly means the end for Nikonscan. Given that Nikon have only just stopped selling film scanners (and they were never cheap), I find it incredible that they're adamant about not updating the software, even for Windows 7.
The problem I discovered with a recent MacBook Pro is that the machine will not boot with an "older" OS than the one it comes with (10.6 in this case), so having 10.5 available still won't work. NikonScan still runs fine on 10.6.7, but opens with a warning that there is a minor error of some kind. I put the original 10.6 that came with the machine on an external HD, and booting from that, it runs without any kind of warning, so I am ok for the moment with this machine, but I see the day coming... (I'm assuming that even if I were to go to 10.7, I could still boot in 10.6, but will have to see how that goes. If only Parallels or VM Fusion could use firewire, I could still run it on XP....
Does any software aside from Nikon Scan make use of Digital Ice and the Digital GEM/ROC stuff that I use on my Coolscan V? I use Vuescan for black and white but prefer Nikon Scan for color, even though the interface is sad.
I'm using Vuescan with it now. I'm not posting screenshots as that goes against the thing you agree to when you become a developer. But it's working.
I'm using Vuescan with it now. I'm not posting screenshots as that goes against the thing you agree to when you become a developer. But it's working.

You don't happen to have a Minolta Scan Dual IV on your end as well, do you? :p

Guess I'll stick to my current 10.6.7 since that does support Minolta software, I've tried getting VueScan to work with the Scan Dual IV but suffer from software freezes when doing so. VueScan just jams, reports to be scanning while the scanner obviously is doing nothing.

Meanwhile my Scanmaker 8700 just rocks with VueScan:cool: so I guess I'll be fine.
Does any software aside from Nikon Scan make use of Digital Ice and the Digital GEM/ROC stuff that I use on my Coolscan V? I use Vuescan for black and white but prefer Nikon Scan for color, even though the interface is sad.

Silverfast AI (Studio?) uses the infrared channel from the Nikon 9000 to perform iSDR (infrared scratch and dust removal), but not ICE itself. Don't know if they have a version for Coolscan V.
I guess that means I'm keeping my PowerMac G5 indefinitely. really surprised that apple would drop Rosetta support instead of freezing development but let it still linger. but I'm not too happy at apple these past few years. doubtful I'll upgrade to another mac.
"You don't happen to have a Minolta Scan Dual IV on your end as well, do you?"

I'm scanning with a Plustek 7600i.
If Lion does not support Rosetta, beside scanning, (coolscan 5000ed + nikonscan actually satisfy me) next problem is monitor calibration : Spider 2 pro and colorvision, datacolor software run on my mac using rosetta.
If Lion does not support Rosetta, beside scanning, (coolscan 5000ed + nikonscan actually satisfy me) next problem is monitor calibration : Spider 2 pro and colorvision, datacolor software run on my mac using rosetta.

Get a copy of Coloreyes Display Pro. It works fine with my Spyder, even better than the original software.
I guess I'll have to try out Vuescan sometime soon, and see if it can do the batch scanning I need. Nikon Scan is slow and crashes about once per session, but it does everything else well.
not sure if anyone uses the MBA (2010), but if so, I'd avoid 10.6.7, just use 10.6.6 until Lion is shipping and stable. Issues include: sleep problems, wifi problems, graphics slowdown. What 10.6.7 does provide is better integration to the app store ;)
Vuescan's IR cleaning works well w/my color negs & slides.

Does any software aside from Nikon Scan make use of Digital Ice and the Digital GEM/ROC stuff that I use on my Coolscan V? I use Vuescan for black and white but prefer Nikon Scan for color, even though the interface is sad.
After installing Lion and discovering my NikonScan software for my Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 isn’t Lion compatible I took your suggestion and purchased a Mac Mini with 10.6 installed, back in business and a big dent in my credit card.
Vuescan works just fine.

Silverfast wants you to buy again a full version of their software. Again an other proof what a ripoff company this this...

Further the image capture application works with 99% of all scanners but is very basic.

Canon seems to keep their drivers up-to-date in case you are using the Canoscan software.

At the end of the day after many twist and turns the best solution remains Vuescan.

OK, so here comes the next generations of the Mac operating system for Intel processors. I assume that Aperture will work, but what about all the other scanning and editing solutions? I'm guessing that since Lion has a Linux heart, there won't be a problem with transitioning old software.