Meandering 'most used' FLs?


Local time
10:40 PM
Feb 21, 2009
Like most people I have FLs I shoot much more than others and have found that most of my picture taking is done with a 35 or 28 with 21 and 50 following well behind. 28 and 35 may be relatively close together but I find them very different to the extent that I often take out two bodies with each lens attached.

I used to shoot more with the 35 (perhaps 70:30) but have gradually shifted to the point where it is the reverse. The 28 just works nicely, allowing me to get in really close to groups of people but without starting to have that 'woah, thats wide' look of 21mm. It sounds ridiculous to say, but with the 35 I tend to need to walk backwards from where I have found myself. I am producing better photos too....

Have you found yourself gradually moving towards a different FL and if so, did you stay there or find yourself changing once again, either back to where you can from or to a different FL altogether?

Leica, fancy making a compact 28-35 dual elmar? OK, thought not.
I've heard it said that on average, peoples' preferred focal length corresponds to their age..

Hopefully it's also the other way round. Stay with a wide focal length and you are feeling younger every year.

With film I used 50mm most, with my M8 35mm (that's equivalent to 46mm). No change for me over the time.
I got used to 42mm (28mm lens on 1.5 crop factor DSLR) and 75 (50mm lens with 1.5 crop) some time ago. Only few months ago I got Olympus XA for a particualr project which has 35mm lens - and this focal length worked very well fome me (mostly landscapes). My rolleiflex T has 80mm lens what translates to 50mm on small format if you compare with the longer side and while it works nicely for semi - portraits, is feels a bit tight for general photography. With 4x5 my most used lens is Fujinon 125/5.6 CMW - again cca 40mm in small format.

So my preference - 35 - 40mm for general photography, 50mm for a bit more selective work and portraits.

That's probably why I am so much attracted by the Bessa R3A with its 40, 50 & 75 mm frame lines ...
Grew up on 50 and especially 100 (on 35mm SLR); finding I'm shooting more 35/40 these days. Despite aging -- reaction formation, perhaps?