Australia/New Zealand Melb RFF meet

I've been lurking here for a little while, but I think I am now ready to meet some similarly afflicted souls. ;) If the time is right, then I'm in.
Wotcha Wota ;) - they're a friendly mob here, as you've no doubt noticed. Hope to meet you and therest of the local chapter at a meet soon!

Wouldn't mind meeting up with others, although I'm not in town for most of May. Might catch you on the next round.

I've started setting up the Blog site LiveJournal in conjunction with the photo hosting site Photobucket to create an "exhibition" space. It's early days, getting the layout to work before concentrating on content. You get to the bottom of the page and need to use the "Earlier" link to see more.

I think this combo may perform better than typical album sites. Always on the look-out for a free hosting spot that loads well from down-under. They strain once they're popular.

Mostly "street" style shots, around Melbourne.
G'Day guys (and perhaps gals!), I will probably return to Perth at the end of May, having been here since November. If there is any chance of a meet before then count me in. I will be in the West this coming weekend (5th May etc).

Hugivza is a 3-star general. What else has changed in my absence?
Has the black Ikon arrived in Australia.

I've been studying and havn't been out for over 2 months. Would be great
to have a get-to-gether before you disappear back west for good.
Perhaps not next weekend either.


Shiess in das licht!

(it's also been 2 months since I had a lesson)
My last weekend for the present will be the weekend of 27th 28th May - I will be in Perth this weekend then to Singapore. Would be good to meet up if we can.

James you too can be a 3 star general, as with many decorations only money is required!!