Mini-review of an awesome MF folder

Farace said:

I haven't tried it yet (can't find a roll of 120 anywhere nearby!).

Is that sad or what? I walked into the local Ritz the other day and they only had two (I got them both). Even the clerk mentioned that she usually goes to Penn Camera to buy her 120. I don't know what else she uses it for, but she mentioned she is looking for a nice TLR to play with. Sound really anxious to try one.

But no 120? Used to be as popular as 35mm back when a lot of people owned Brownies and such. What is the world coming to?
Bob, I got my 120 rolls from a big old-fashioned Wolf that are clearing up their inventory. It's expired Portra 400 VCs. When they are out of it, I'd be sourcing from ebay or freestyle.

The more of us buying 120, the better chance they will still make them. Actually I'm surprised, with the popularity of Holga and Lomo, the demand should increase.

I really like the 120, it's far more versatile (multi-format) and easier to use than 135 IMHO. Not to mention bigger real-estate :)