Mirrorless FF and Medium Format From Pentax

I really wish Pentax well. But their development of 645 took so long that many actually forgot about it when it was finally released some years of the announcement. I hope they come out with new ideas and get them released sooner..
Anything that may get me away from relying on Leica is ok in my book. I hope they make it a reality.
Mirrorless and full frame seems sort of an odd combination at first. The former minimizes size, the latter gets in the way of minimizing it.

That said, it could be very interesting to me, if (and it's a big if) the EVF has acceptable low-light performance. It would still be smaller than any FF DSLR, would have no mirror slap (obviously) and would (unless they botch the design and put a crippled lens mount on it) let me use my existing collection of legacy Pentax lenses and get the same field of view with each that I do with film.
Mirrorless and full frame seems sort of an odd combination at first. The former minimizes size, the latter gets in the way of minimizing it.

Uh, Ms and LTMs are mirrorless full frames. Kinda relevant to this forum. :D
Remember Pentax is owned by Ricoh now.

A Pentax announcement is really a Ricoh announcement.


Yes, that is, in part, why I posted. It may have something to say about the GXR. I would think that they would gear each brand to a slightly different audience. FF and medium format make the Pentax their "pro" line of cameras. That conclusion assumes a good bit, but who else is the audience for such cameras.. pro and us crazy wanabee pros.
I'm struggling to imagine what a mirrorless version of their 645D medium format camera would be like. Hopefully much more compact... And it couldn't use the current CCD sensor.
I'm struggling to imagine what a mirrorless version of their 645D medium format camera would be like. Hopefully much more compact... And it couldn't use the current CCD sensor.

Perhaps a digital Bronica RF645 or Fuji GS645S? I suppose we'll never see another camera with a vertical sensor since digital sensors don't require it, and it would never sell, but man it would sure be cool...
Perhaps a digital Bronica RF645 or Fuji GS645S? I suppose we'll never see another camera with a vertical sensor since digital sensors don't require it, and it would never sell, but man it would sure be cool...

You sting my dreams... :eek: