More Fuji Pack Film Choices!


Local time
6:40 PM
Oct 4, 2008
B&H has 4x5 sizes as well.

I just ordered some 4x5 from them the other day and wondered why their B+W was $10 more than other shops (adorama). Freestyle has color 4x5 but it is +/- $10 more than the others.

Shop around if you can I guess but its probably not enough of a difference to pay additional shipping fees. Maybe good to know if people are ordering from multiple places anyway...
WDPictures: Nothing at Glazer's? I love that place, especially the studio/film/darkroom store!

They probably do but I'm not sure as its been a couple weeks since I've visited. They usually have quite a bit of the Fuji instant over on the darkside of the street.

I just can't go there too often as I find myself standing in front of their film case in a kind of stupor. And that's only one of the many temptations. I'm sure you can sympathize...