My first appearance in the Leica camera Blog

Very nice work! I didn't know you are (or were) a pastry chef.
Very nice work! I didn't know you are (or were) a pastry chef.
Hi @raydm6 . Thank you for your comments ,
I never was a photographer in the culinary world and also in the photography world I was not known as a Chef.
Also I never did food photography. I think the reason was I never like studio/ production photography. But I have assisted/ helped many professionals to do stylising food photo in my kitchens. As a part of food photography plating is very important.
Exclusively I had done very handful of photos they are not the plates or food but we humans as relations to the food productions.
I am adding few photos which has not published in the social medias. They are all in my archives to come out one day.
Photo done with a M6 and M8 and this is one of the luxury hotels In London.
Windows Peater copie.jpg

Mille feuille .jpg

One of my creations.
Head chef -HC-2.jpg
@Cyriljay - Is your color work online? After decades of BW only, I’m now trying color. I’m not at all pleased with how it’s going. I occasionally get something I like, but it’s generally a hodge-podge with little consistency.

John, I can't advocate anything about Colour!
The reason is I was just like you never liked colour. As many old school photographers ( Excuse my terminology and it is one that is used frequently ) I had learned photography for the masters I guess. So some colour photo works like " Saul Leiter's was recognised at the end of their careers .
You and me belongs to that generations.
I can say how many colour films I loaded into my M6 since I got it during 1998. It about just 6 films. Now my camera is loaded with a colour film it is the 7th film.

But I have done colour photography on a Hasselblad. It is quite pleasing and think it if different.

I have a was site here and have a look it. I have done two different Repotage on Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee celebrations and her funeral .
I decided to minimalist the colour into a mix process so get to a focal point which the emotional viewpoint is perceived to certain to tell my story.
It is in this link.

In this site you'll find another interesting work series I do on Colour. It is my dedication to Saul Leiter photography in Colour .
It is the rainy days in London.

Some of the photos in this series has been awarded/ exhibited in Leica main gallery in London and also had entered in Leica meet group ' Excellence of Leica photography/ Annual Book 2015.