My New Zeiss ZM has just arrived


Local time
10:03 AM
Sep 8, 2006
Just arrived - my new Zeiss ZM with the blistering sharp 25 mm. Biogon f/2.8. I also am using the superb Cosina Voigtlander 15-35 mm Zoom Finder attachment - a wonderful combination!!!


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Is the 25mm Zeiss lens known to be sharper than say the Biogon 35/2 or 35/2.8?
Congrats! The ZM 25/28 is one of my all-time favorites. I don't use an external finder with my ZI though; I just use the entire frame as a reasonable approximate.

BTW, nice silver ZI.
Is the 28mm Zeiss lens known to be sharper than say the Biogon 35/2 or 35/2.8?

Raid - OP has the 25mm, which is one of, if not the sharpest ZM lenses. OTOH, anecdotally, the 28 ZM is not quite as sharp as the 25 or either ZM 35 (I used to own the 35/2.0 and now the 35/2.8), or the 50 Planar for that matter.
Raid - OP has the 25mm, which is one of, if not the sharpest ZM lenses. OTOH, anecdotally, the 28 ZM is not quite as sharp as the 25 or either ZM 35 (I used to own the 35/2.0 and now the 35/2.8), or the 50 Planar for that matter.

Yes, the 2.8/25 is quite legendary. When Zeiss were first building them they took one from the production line - no special selection - and recorded 400 lp/mm on Spur Orthopan microfilm at f4. I think that's effectively diffraction limited.

Naturally, my recent usage has been zone focused at f8-11 on my MDa;)

It is a great lens and a the silver ZI above is lovely.

Raid - OP has the 25mm, which is one of, if not the sharpest ZM lenses. OTOH, anecdotally, the 28 ZM is not quite as sharp as the 25 or either ZM 35 (I used to own the 35/2.0 and now the 35/2.8), or the 50 Planar for that matter.

Hi Keith,
I meant the 25mm lens that he just got. So the 25mm really is known for its sharpness.
There are many ZM 25/2.8 for sale online, with a large range of asking prices. The silver lens looks nicer to me than the black version.
That's a beautiful camera...

PS: not only beautiful but also difficult to find, at leas where I live...
Congrats on your terrific new ZI.

If you get the chance, buy the Planar 50. I have never regretted that purchase. Personally I find it even better the the Biogon 35/2.

Don't own your 25 so can't compare.
Yes, the 2.8/25 is quite legendary. When Zeiss were first building them they took one from the production line - no special selection - and recorded 400 lp/mm on Spur Orthopan microfilm at f4. I think that's effectively diffraction limited.

A fact that has doubters, who use same chemicals and film..
I think Zeiss over stated the case.
When is a statement not a simple publicity brag but outright lie?

Who has ever seen such a high number of resolution..on actual film?
Not aerial image BUT on film.
A fact that has doubters, who use same chemicals and film..
I think Zeiss over stated the case.
When is a statement not a simple publicity brag but outright lie?

Who has ever seen such a high number of resolution..on actual film?
Not aerial image BUT on film.

Zeiss releases MTF data on all lenses, and has done so since the 1970's or early 1980's. Zeiss also publishes data on how to read and interpret MTF data. Can you say the same about Leica or any other lens maker? To suggest Zeiss would lie about lens performance is absurd. Furthermore, did the claim about 400 lp/mm in fact originate with Zeiss or is it just an internet rumor?
A fact that has doubters, who use same chemicals and film..
I think Zeiss over stated the case.
When is a statement not a simple publicity brag but outright lie?

Who has ever seen such a high number of resolution..on actual film?
Not aerial image BUT on film.

I suspect that recording.400lp/mm is in some.ways easier than seeing them. I can't imagine the latter without a microscope and then at extinguishing contrast. As such, no point in zeiss lying.

My casual handheld, f11 scale focus ways and typical use of Hp5 suggest I'll never see anything like that of course. I do like the lens though.


Edited to add that the *********** review references Zeiss Camera Lens news as sharing the resolution claim and describing the background to the claim.
Its an awesome lens no doubt, love mine.. I tried using it without the external finder which was difficult for me, so I got the cheap Voigtlander 25mm finder works great with my M9..