My wife is going to kill me...

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There are many kinds of people in this world, far too many for me to judge, but suit yourself.
Dear Jason,

Or as my first wife used to say (and indeed still says -- we remain on good terms),

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who divide people into two kinds, and those who don't.


Well Mr. Hicks, and those jumping on his bandwagon: I am sure the OP was being facetious. I certainly answered in that expectation, as I hope you can see from my remarks. If I had suspected other than the OP being facetious I would not have posted as I did.

So Mr. Hicks, make room on that bandwagon. I'll see your 26 years (congrats), and raise you. Yesterday it was 31 years for me. :p
If I had to discuss everything with my wife first I surely would then be with the wrong woman. Trust is a beautiful thing.
There are three possibilities. The first is that you are a complete pillock. The second is that you're married to the wrong woman. And the third is that you've bought into a myth about personal relationships, namely, the War Of The Sexes, where neither side ever makes allowances for the other's shortcomings. I sincerely hope it's the third.
If you lie to your wife about what you've bought (or she lies to you), because you can't afford it, you're heading for bankruptcy or divorce or both.
Except for the smallest purchases (under, say, $100), or purchases where we KNOW we're going to agree, we discuss it first: whether we can afford it, whether we need it, whether we even really want it.
Twenty-six years last June says we're doing something right...

I love this, the original poster is excited about a camera and says something tongue and cheek about his wife (at least that was clear to me), and you give him marriage advice. Is your post about him or about yourself?

As for the twenty-six years last June, congratulations. But one might state that you are doing something right for the two of you. Others are different.
I don't think the original poster was being serious -- and if he's using a well-worn cliche about marriage and dissembling, so be it. I imagine he has a great relationship with his wife.

But I envy Roger in having a wife who shares photography as a profession and passion.
Just tell your wife what a great investment this is & how much money she will make selling it on ebay once you've gone to that great camera store in the sky. ;)
wish my marriage was worth a roll of film... sadly, it's a bad marriage

Sorry to hear that.

Interesting the wide range of responses every time one of these tongue and cheek "I bought something, and wifey's gonna get me" threads pop up.
Interesting the wide range of responses every time one of these tongue and cheek "I bought something, and wifey's gonna get me" threads pop up.

I hope everytime one of these comes up the op is joking around. I know I am. Pesphoto is right, trust is the best way. My wife says if you see something you wan't get it! We'll make a way. You only have one life to enjoy it.
It appears not everyone has a sense of humour. Either Mr Hicks doesn't know what a joke is, or decides to ignore that fact and bore everyone, and take the fun out of a cliche and lighthearted thread. Because of his strong beliefs regarding sexism and what not.

This is for you Roger
Walter, just make sure to buy a present for your wife and give it to her BEFORE your Mamiya arrives. Be it flowers, a piece of jewelry, anything...

It worked for me... :) Until I realized that I didn't really needed it. But she was pleased, nonetheless.
Why post that your wife is going to kill you for buying something if she isn't? It really isn't funny and it's at your wife's expense. I guess it's a way of apologizing for buying something and shifting the guilt you feel somewhere else. <shrug>
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