Need Help with Weird Problem Attaching Heliar 40/2.8 LTM to M4


Local time
5:43 PM
Sep 26, 2006
I’m hoping someone can help me figure this out. Brace for a longish post.

I recently bought a Heliar 40mm/2.8 LTM from the Photrio Classifieds. The lens looks mint inside and out - the seller had bought it from Cameraquest in June. It attaches to and works properly on my iiif. Using a Rayqual LTM to M adapter (version 3, the black one), and a Leica M to L adapter, it attaches and works properly on my Leica CL digital. But it doesn’t work properly on my M4, using a Rayqual V3 adapter for 50 mm lenses.

On the M4, the lens mounts and clicks properly in place. It brings up the 50mm framelines. But the focus encounters a stiff drag at the 3-5 meter indicator. The focus works properly from minimum distance to that point, encounters tension, then works smoothly again from about 5 meters to infinity. The tension is significant. I can push through it but it’s not right and it shouldn’t be there.

FYI, the black V3 Rayqual adapter was bought from Cameraquest a year or two ago. Cameraquest identifies that version as working properly with infinity lock lenses.

The M4 was CLA’d by YYee two years ago. It has no known issues and works fine with all other lenses and LTM adapters. I often use it with a color skopar 28/3.5 (Rayqual adapter) and color skopar 50/2.5 (Rayqual adapter). The 40 Heliar focuses smoothly off-camera with the adapter attached. Unfortunately, the M4 is my only M mount Leica, so I can’t test it on another camera.

I have no clue what could cause this issue or how to resolve it. I’ve thought about buying a cheap fotodiox LTM to M adapter to see what happens, but would rather figure it out if possible!
Have you tried setting the shutter to "B" and looking through the back of the camera while focusing?
It sounds like an issue between the focusing cam and lens. If you know someone with an M camera it may be worth testing it there.
Good advice, thank you. I looked through the back of the camera while focusing. I can see the lens engage the focus cam. It worked properly and I could not replicate the issue. Then I loaded film and shot a test roll. Halfway through the roll the problem reoccurred. Unloaded the roll, investigated again, could not replicate the issue. I have a second test roll in now. We’ll see. Thanks again.
Are you moving from a cool place to a hot place or vice-versa?

I had an odd problem with my 50/1.2 Nokton binding at 5ft. The problem went away by itself. Happened a second time, and I noted there was also a large temperature differential. Possibly different type of metal expanding at slightly different rates. My lesson learned- let the lens come to temperature.
Well, maybe that’s a factor, not sure. I’m outside on my deck now, messing with this again. It’s about 85 degrees in the shade. The M4 with the 40 Heliar mounted was in the house at 72 degrees. I brought it outside and the binding happened again at the same focus point! But it only happened once. It is focusing smoothly again as I’m playing with it. I have film loaded so I’ll just shoot it and see what happens. I may be back asking for more ideas. Geez, these things aren’t that complicated and I’d like to understand it…