Negafix Profile for Fuji Acros 100


Local time
2:01 PM
Nov 23, 2004

I use Silverfast Ai to scan my 6x9 negatives and I am wondering if anybody already created a Negafix profile for the Fuji Acros 100 using the expert mode. I like this film for pinhole photography but Silverfast Ai does not come with a profile for it.

How do you scan this film? Currently I just use the profile for Ilford Delta 100.

Thomas...I have run into this problem also. I haven't created a profile but I would also be interested in seeing if anyone else has. I end up using the Delta 100 or Plus-X profiles, whichever looks better to my eye.

Also, anyone have a profile for Neopan 400?
I'm not quite sure why you'd need a negfix profile for a B&W film. Set the black point, set the white point, adjust the midpoint to taste. Anything fancier than that, do it with curves in Photoshop.
I'm not quite sure why you'd need a negfix profile for a B&W film. Set the black point, set the white point, adjust the midpoint to taste. Anything fancier than that, do it with curves in Photoshop.

Using the presets gives me a good starting base that resembles the characteristic of the film.
I'm not quite sure why you'd need a negfix profile for a B&W film. Set the black point, set the white point, adjust the midpoint to taste. Anything fancier than that, do it with curves in Photoshop.

Maybe because doing it this way, though it yields an image, maybe even an image you like, doesn’t yield an image that looks like ACROS wet printed. That’s “why”.

The lack of a Negafix profile for ACROS in Silverfast has always been a headscratcher. Maybe the recently released Silverfast 9 Archive Suite addresses that, though, as is their way, anyone looking for readily comprehensible anything coming from them on the website or user help, will be disappointed.