Newbie Sayin Hi With Some Pics...


Local time
1:29 PM
Dec 22, 2011
Aloha Gang, Newbie here with some pics from the first roll from my 1963 Argus C3 Matchmatic. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. I know they have some flaws but I did not expect images this nice. I'm pretty proud of my CLA work...




I was really happy when I saw how they turned out because it's exactly the look I was going for. I mean the photos have a vintage vibe to them that to me can only be done with film. I can't wait to shoot some more. I would really like to get a wide angle lens for this baby.
Welcome to this nice and friendly forum; I am sure you are going to like it here!

Nice shots - you have done well with the old camera.
i have a lovely-looking black C3 which i bought intened as a gift to my girl
but sadly the focus is a bit off so i keep it
still yet have to find time (and mood) to try fixing the problem...
Very nice work Oldskewl,

Are you using the original matchmatic lightmeter or a conversion chart to set the exposure? The images are a little on the bright side on my monitor here.

That said, I really like them.
Welcome to RFF. Those are nice photos. Good to see you could get that old Argus to work as you wished. I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
What a great location for photography - and he have some nice captures here - agree about that old fashioned look - welcome!

Yeah, I was lucky enough to find a working flash mount light meter, and that's what i used for the most part.
That second shot with the bucket in the darkness is my favorite shot but i think I'm going to go back there with evening light and see how it turns out with more light hitting. I was also thinking of lighting up that one with a flash. I have some press25 bulbs coming.
I remember my Dad telling me about the tour he took of the pineapple farms when he was stationed there during the war, and that he was amazed at how much rail equipment they used. These are some wonderful shots, and yes, a 35mm would have been a great lens to use for the shoot. I'm sure you'll get more opportunities to photograph these cars, and many other wonderful sights on the islands. Welcome to the forum!

That's quite an assemblage of ancient rolling-stock: wooden box-cars & plain-bearing arch-bar trucks !

The quality of the photos are very nice too... what film were you shooting ?

I think you have inspired me to drag my C-44 kit out and go around my own local Steamtown National Historic Site and shoot some "tired iron" !

Thanks for sharing !
I remember my Dad telling me about the tour he took of the pineapple farms when he was stationed there during the war, and that he was amazed at how much rail equipment they used. These are some wonderful shots, and yes, a 35mm would have been a great lens to use for the shoot. I'm sure you'll get more opportunities to photograph these cars, and many other wonderful sights on the islands. Welcome to the forum!


My first thought, I didn't know Hawaii had railroads. The islands are on my list of places to visit. Great shots and please post more.
Very nice pics! Just last night I was cleaning my Matchmatic and regluing the leatherette I removed to clean the camera´s insides and that got me thinking about taking it out for a spin again. Your pictures have inspired me even more.

Enjoy your Argus!