Nicca / Tower LTM Nicca 3F or 3S

Nicca / Tower M39 screw mount bodies
Found some pics of the one I had:





For using a 35, why not a Canon 7 which has frame lines in the finder? I see the appeal of the smaller LTM bodies mainly for the wider lenses for which one needs an external VF in any case.
Mine is here. 3-F, right now with Jupiter-8 :) So happy about it, works like a charm


And a random shot made with it (with Industar 26m and Ilford HP5 @ 500):

The YF was a nice camera -- I had one -- but I'm less and less sure why people want to try to use these things. As David said, why not just go for a Leica if all you want to do is take pictures? Or for that matter a modern Voigtlander?

Then again, I used to try lots of different cameras too, and it's sort of hard to remember why. I can see the point of collecting -- again, I used to do it, and Frances and I wrote a book about rangefinder and direct vision cameras* -- but I only ever bought or borrowed cameras that I came across by chance. The collector/user interface is probably more easily solved by going for Leicas.

*I find it amusing that there are 6 strongly positive and 3 strongly negative reviews in the link. As one of my editors said, "You're a Marmite writer": Marmite is a spread that people reputedly either love or hate. Those who didn't like it complained basically that it wasn't the book they'd have written; except of course that none of them actually did write anything except poor reviews...



It was the first LTM camera I bought after messing around with FSU gear, Roger. Came with the Canon 50/1.8, and I found it at a Goodwill store. Unfortunately, it had some rough treatment from the previous owner, even though it looks EXC+ on the outside. So last year I got another one to replace it. I was into Yashica's for quite a while, so it was a sentimental choice.

But now that I've gone through Canon P, and Nicca III-S models, I plan on getting a Leica IIIf with an Elmar 50/2.8.

I have owned and shot Leica IIb, IIIC, M3, Canon IVSB, trigger wind, and 7s, and a P. Have a Nicca IIIs and a Tower lever wind 46. all are gone or not used except the M3, Nicca IIIS, and Tower lever wind. Have a clean (external) Leica IIIf I'm waiting to afford to fix the curtains...broken of course. Have never had to fix any camera make except Leicas....


That's the problem with my Nicca III S, Garrett. One and a half rolls of film, and a shutter curtain ribbon cut loose.

So Cal,

Did it show up? Does the serial number start with 150? Is it pristine?



USPS has this habit of tracking a parcel to my local Post Office, and the actual delivery happens to always be the next day, so I only recieved my camera Friday.

I am mucho happy. The camera is a shelf queen as far as condition, and good-to-go. I bought this camera off the RFF classified from Gordon, one of the sponsor's of RFF (Gordy's Straps).

Also came with a Gordy Strap of my choice. I selected a novel strap that is both a neck strap and a wrist strap in one that hangs the camera vertically. I use a wrist strap on the Tower 45/46, and utilize the neck/wrist strap on my SL2-MOT.

My serial number is 151002. Inside the camera if I remove the base plate I see Nicca Camera LTD. From the Nicca link in this thread my camera dates back to 1956 and is older than me. I own a very clean sample. Pretty much does not get better than this.

I think I will be mostly using mt silver Pentax-L 43/1.9 and 45/2.8 Supper Rokkor on this camera. The Pentax-L VF has framelines for 43/50, but if you use the entire window it also provides framing for 35mm. The Pentax-L VF'er has a built in diopter and this "all at once view" of a wide.

I feel very lucky. Thanks Gordon.

That's great Cal. Yours was made 312 cameras before the one I had. Mine was in absolute pristine condition also. Wonder if they were just REALLY WELL MADE, or maybe they just DIDN'T GET USED MUCH.

That's great Cal. Yours was made 312 cameras before the one I had. Mine was in absolute pristine condition also. Wonder if they were just REALLY WELL MADE, or maybe they just DIDN'T GET USED MUCH.



I think mine did not get used much. Pretty much like a time capsule.

I would even say that compared with the III G's and the black paint Leica II I have owned that the Tower is not as smooth or quiet, but it might be that the camera still has not been broken in.

I can't believe no one sniped it off the classified before I bough it.

I took my lever wind Tower on a Wyoming trip a few weeks ago, and it worked very well. Have never had it CLA'd, it seems to be fine without it. The SIII is similarly working fine.