Nikkor-N 5cm f1.1 Question

Well at the end of the matter what lens or camera you use, if is the final print that is all that matters. When the world of glorified camera buffs,,,ie non shooting throphy collectos begins trying to impress each other. You end up with the same type of people who are paying insane prices for Bugatti's , Cuda's and modern art. That is the way of the world. I wish they would stick to buying up all the Limited Editon Leica's , made from societies version of "fools gold".

Sometimes the "grass is greener" grips everyone and after a couple of months try to shoot everything at F/1 suddenly gets realy boring. Then you sell off that white elephant and go back to that ordinary old F2 normal lens and the photos seem somehow more interesting and more fun to create. But as we all face the digital frenzy of anti-film consumerism...we now see our film as black magic by the public. Quaint but lacking in techno coolness. So Sad.

Do I love all that strange and weird stuff that was once made in a marketing technology war at the peak of the true mechanical analog age. You bet, but if I can not make something better with it then I sell it and move on.
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Are you kidding- MY Digital camera is SO ADVANCED that I can load it with 35mm film. And if I want color pictures with it, I have to.
I have used Kiu's Nikkor 50mm/1.1 and Fred's Noctilux 50mm/1.0 and Mark's Canon 50mm/0.95 and I got cured from any GAS.
raid said:
I have used Kiu's Nikkor 50mm/1.1 and Fred's Noctilux 50mm/1.0 and Mark's Canon 50mm/0.95 and I got cured from any GAS.

Raid, have you tried a 50mm Nikkor Millenium lens yet?
MikeL said:
Raid, have you tried a 50mm Nikkor Millenium lens yet?

My testing projects also led to me a mint Nikkor Millenium. When you use 25 50mm lenses at the same time period, no lens becomes overwhelmingly wonderful.
dave lackey said:
Ahhh...yes! Loving mine!

By all means, Raid, try it and you may be surprised.:angel:

I have, but when using at the same time a Noctilux, the Millenium Nikkor is just a Nikkor.
I love my first version Summicron. It is classy. Why don't you use your Summicron? If you don't use it, sell it.
When there's money on the line I mostly shoot with a 35 and a 90 (or 85). I got a D.R. Summicron with my M2-R years ago then I got the second generation which focusses closer than a non D.R., and I sold the D.R. I keep it "just because", and every rare occasion I do use it.

I also discovered that the old 90mm Elmarit I have, when focussed at it's closest distance, covers exactly the same area as the D.R. does, and there's less parralax because of the longer distance from lens to subject. I also got rid of my 50/1.8 Canon, 50/1.4 Nikkor, and 50/2.5 Hektor. At some point you just want to pare down, get rid of the stuff that you really are never going to use. I do miss the 50/1.4 Nikkor though.
I have way to many 50mm lenses that I actually need for any type of photography. Here, it is purely collecting, I think. I will sell them off eventually. Now they ae fun to use and compare and look at and hold!

How do you remember the Hektor 50mm/2.5 did? Was it an OK lens or not?
They are different formulas. See "C" and "Q".


Source: "Photographic Lenses", Neblette, 1965.
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>>The Zunow looks like it really is a Sonnar, just a particularly complicated one.<<

That's what I've read ... that they essentially pushed the Sonnar formula as far as it would go. I saw some photos taken with one about a year ago. Showed lots of aberations and color shift on the edges.
CameraQuest said:
The LTM 1.1's are rarer than the Nikon RF 1.1's, but usually sell for less due to lower demand and less collector interest. Nikon collectors usually want Nikon mount lenses (not Leica), while Leica collectors usually want Leica lenses (not Nikon).

For 1.1's In the same condition, my experience is about 20% less value in LTM than NRF mount.


Among the Nikkor's, which is more desirable, the internal or external mount lenses?
Internal mount put a lot of stress on the Nikon focusing system. Hence the external mount. I believe the external is more desireable, as the more refined version.
Just like the Nikkor f1.5 50mm in LTM , this is another lens that will NEVER see any usage

I think the shallow DOF would be perfect for shooting outdoor Retro
cheap lingerie/stockings and art nudes ala
Bettie Page and also moody artistic nudes (on location) stuff *in High Contrasty Blk & Wht films* - it`s really too bad that I might not get a crack at shooting with either one - the f1.1 or the f1.5.......... even if I had extensive funding for my work, or a limitless account, I wouldn`t pay more than $2,000 for either one, it`s just like the Leitz Noctilux Mythos it`s really more hype than it is worth, glass that`s been driven up by collectiors values, not by what it really can do - the Faster Canon lenses f0.95/f1.2 and f1.4 of the early 1960`s do an excellent artistic job, taking pictures and I hope to be pushing all three of these someday between a Leica M6 and a Canon 7s and show off more work that these Faster lenses really can do

It`s really a shame that more people with rarer gear don`t use it for what it was intended to be used for in the first place and that 100% of it all is just paperweights at the bottom of some safety deposit box :(

hello guys just got new photoshoot assignment. It is about lingerie product so what is the best way to execute it. Need some help