Nikon One-Touch (first models)

Jeremy Z

Local time
7:53 PM
Feb 10, 2007
They're somewhat big and clunky. My grandpa had one in the late 80s and he just loved it. He mostly left his "proper" 35mm gear at home in favor of this.

I remember him raving about the Nikon lens. I think it was a 35/2.8. It was the one version with the "flash cancel" button.

I see them come up for cheap on Facebook Marketplace, and I'm trying to resist pulling the trigger on it. I figure for 35 mm, I'm better off with my Rollei 35 or Olympus OM1N...

Edit: I just looked it up. The one I'm looking for is the L35AF3, from 1987.

Any of the L35AF variants are good cameras, though the original is the most popular because you can put filters on it. Look around the junk shops too, sometimes you can find them in the $5 to $10 range.

My L35AF is not what I'd call 'big and clunky'.
It looks a little more svelte than that one in the review.

Looking into it a bit further, the 1st generation one was a bit shorter, probably due to having less electronics for the flash. It also had a better lens, (copy of the Zeiss Sonnar) though the 2nd and 3rd generation ones also had good lenses. (Tessar copy?)

I like that the first two generations use AA batteries, instead of the $10 lithium one. Flash recycle time is slower, but I wouldn't anticipate using much flash, so I like the future-proof option.

I hit two thrift shops on the way home, and one of them had an expensive (in the day) Pentax 38-140 IQ Zoom in the case for $10 or something. I remember selling them at Ritz in the 90s. Sadly, that's not what I'm after. I think I'm gonna have to open up my wallet, or else I might go the rest of my life without one.
I joined a Facebook group for CLASSIC CAMERAS, mentioned what I was looking for, and a nice fellow sent me his Nikon L35AF3 in mint condition, for only the promise to pay it forward when I can. I'm awaiting delivery of the CRP2 battery for it, and then I will give it a proper test.

The nice thing about these lithium battery-powered models is that they're never ruined from leaking batteries.

farlymac: This 3rd version can also take filters, and has the handy flash cancel button. though I don't know what size. They look small.
Owned many of those. Nice little cracker of a lens (35/2.8)

I opted to keep my Canon ML instead (40/1.9)

Congrats on the gift! That’s a super solid gesture!
This is what mine looks like....

Guess I have an original model.

Careful with the battery door/latch. Most of the ones I've seen on ebay have it taped shut. If I had one with a functional battery door, I'd probably press the latch, THEN press the door closed, then release the latch, so as not to wear it out prematurely.
I just got the battery yesterday. Everything seems to work fine. I've got a roll of Tri-X loaded, to shoot this weekend up in Wisconsin Dells. (though I'm not sure what opportunities I'll have, as it's not forecasted to be good weather)

I also picked up a Minolta Freedom II in a local thrift store. I can't find any specs on it online! It's autofocus, the lens appears to be multi-coated and the build quality is decent. One point of frustration is the battery door. It is on a live plastic hinge. The latch worked fine in the store, but when I got it home and put batteries in it, it won't latch closed. Back to the old tape. I have this one loaded up with a roll of Fomapan 100 and my daughter will test it this weekend.
A couple shots from Milwaukee Oktoberfest last weekend

A couple shots from Milwaukee Oktoberfest last weekend

Tri-X @ 400, developed in D-76 1:3.

Everyone wants Mom's attention:
FB_IMG_1570805844170 by Jeremy, on Flickr

Polka band @ Milwaukee Oktoberfest. They were quite good, but I was disappointed they weren't wearing lederhosen:
FB_IMG_1570805852020 by Jeremy, on Flickr

That's me on the right. Is it me, or do women look really cute in dirndls? The thin ones look great, as always. Medium ones look great, accentuates the boobage. Even chunky ones look cute. This woman... maybe it was the beer a bit, but she looked just perfect.
FB_IMG_1570805856118 by Jeremy, on Flickr

One from inside the bierhaus up the block. The rain started so we went indoors. I used the flash cancel button, so this was probably wide open at 1/15 sec. or so. As such, it's a bit soft, but I kind of like how the motion blur shows some activity
FB_IMG_1570805863845 by Jeremy, on Flickr

Another indoor shot of the bierhaus. For this one, there are no people and I braced myself by jamming myself against the wall in a corner. In cases like these, it helps to have a real viewfinder, so I can use my own face as another stabilizing point for the camera. Elbows pulled in tight to the body. Not bad!
FB_IMG_1570805868823 by Jeremy, on Flickr