Nikon supercoolsan 4000 + vuescan question


Local time
8:34 AM
Nov 25, 2016
I have a Question for anyone using this combo. I got the scanner for a steal and got it working via vuescan and adapters. The one issue I am having is that when I do a batch scan, the program does not automatically update file names. So, every frame it is asking me if I want to overwrite the previous frame. I’m sure there is some setting to automatically change the file names as the scanner goes. Anybody have an answer? Thanks In advance for your help!
The scanner should save the files under a new name by default; the names it uses are numeric and should automatically count up from 001. I can't find a setting that would change that!

You say you're using an adapter; I assume your computer does not have the Firewire port needed by the 4000ED? I have never used a Nikon scanner with an adapter, but some people have reported various issues with them. Do you know someone with an older Mac that would let you try it on their computer?
You need to tell Vuescan that you want to save files with consecutive numbering, eg. 'scan-0001+.tif' or 'YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.tif'... Note the '+' sign in the filename.

This is from memory so you really should consult Vuescan user's guide.
You need to tell Vuescan that you want to save files with consecutive numbering, eg. 'scan-0001+.tif' or 'YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.tif'... Note the '+' sign in the filename.
This is what to do indeed, this setting is in the "Output" menu of VueScan. Works just perfect once and for good. With any scanner by the way, this very useful feature has nothing to do with the model of scanner VueScan is driving.
Keep in mind the + has to be after a number, but you can add text after it if you wish.