NX10 & Hexanon - AR?

Local time
9:10 PM
Feb 24, 2007
For various unavoidable reasons - I have not been around here much for a while, or doing much shooting, but getting back to the status quo sees me ordering a NX10 (now much reduced) and an adaptor for my beloved AR Hexanons. I'm looking forward to arrival - and trials, especially with the 40mm f1.8 pancake....anyone using this combo - or any thoughts etc.?
Cheers DW
I started using Konica AR Hexanons on the Samsung NX10 last week. So far so good. Too early to come to any conclusions yet - have to go out to shoot more first.
OT -- Good to see you back Dave. I recently acquired one of your Elmar lens hoods from buzzardkid (though it hasn't made it to me yet) which will grace my Zorki 1 & I-22.
i love using my ar's on my ep2. ive used zeiss/contax, leica, cv etc glass on it and have not found any that performed better than the ar's. i think youre in for a treat, as from what ive seen the sammy has better iq than my olly.

while the 40mm performs well, for me the star of the series is the 57/1.4, it is just stellar and an amazing low light performer.
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