New York Nyc April Meet-up

Guys, can you suggest a place to get film (Tri-X 135) in Manhattan. I just realized it went out and Adorama and B&H are closed until tomorrow. And I was told that Calumet is closed for good. Thanks!

17th St. Photo has Tri-X. They are on 17th St almost directly behind Adorama. A few doors down, I think. Good people there. Tell Elliott that Phil Forrest sent you and says hello.

Phil Forrest
Thanks, Phil. I walked by the store a few times. For some reasons, all the oversized camera brand logos gave me an impression that it sells equipment only. Thanks for the confirmation. I will check it out and say hi to Elliott.

Thanks, Salim and Steve (and Phil). I took a walking tour following your suggestions during the Passover week. Boy, there's a lot of good stuff out there in NYC!