Oh Man! Plaubel Makina III! Back to RF.

Fuji GX680 Finder on Makiflex Standard by Nokton48, on Flickr

This may become one of my favorite Makiflex Viewfinders! I just bought this mint one in Japan for $85. Geoff Berliner likes his on his Makiflexes so I thought I would try it too. The view is unreversed and right side up, very bright and I can see the whole 9x9cm screen very sharply. The adjustable ocular is first rate, I can't ask for anything else. It is also the perfect size to mount of the top of the makiflex, and it looks cool!

Geoff machined a pile of metal plates he uses to make tintypes, cut out the center portion, and attached the finder with velcro. I like that, but I don't have a CNC milling machine.

Right now it is attached to the camera with four thin strips of Gorilla Tape LOL. OK for now but I want a more permanent arrangement.
Makina II German Advertisement by Nokton48, on Flickr

Mr. Binder in New York City (WIZCAM) has my new to me Plaubel Makina II, and he is working it over right now. He's worked on old Makinas for decades, and he has a lot of original Makina parts! :) The II is a bit smaller and more compact than the III and IIIR. Also a bit more stealthy in black finish. This is a Leica Quality 1930's era 6.5x9cm strut camera.
I emailed Photoimpex, and Benjamin responded, "Fomapan 100 is not available in 6.5x9cm".
But they do have Adox CHS 100II, which is good to know. I have plenty of Efke PL100 in 6.5x9cm, and lots of Ilford FP4+ in 6.5x9cm, which is easy to get in the UK.

The shop www.lumiere-shop.de has Wephoto 6.5x9cm 100 ASA, which is good. They are on holiday until Febuary 2nd. I will probably order some of that at that time.

The dealer in Bulgaria has nine unopened boxes of Orwo NP20 (dated 1999) in 6.5x9, so I bought all of it. Outdated and -slightly- foggy but excellent results he claims (with extra exposure) when processed in Microphen. Anyway the price was very good. So we will see, that is 225 sheets. Total cost 37.5 cents per sheet. :)

Are there other German shops on the internet that stock (or order) 6.5x9cm B&W film? I need one that speaks English, and takes Visa, can't do bank transfers from here. Much too expensive to do and zero tracking, so not good for me. I need shops that take Paypal.

Maybe I will have to stick to Foma 200 in 120 rollfilm? No sheets anywhere?
I'm still looking.
Fotoimpex, that belongs to Adox. check YT for a video at a recent finnish photofair about new filmproduction(and difficulties). the kodak problem. some weeks ago they have already cut 120-film.
Maco EM film type S
Agfa APX 100 glass plates
scroll through. the other large ones must be cut down.
maybe Ars-Imago also has cut film.
NB: 400 asa 70mm film B+W!beside the Unperforated Ortho 17m.
One of Plaubel Makina III's in beautiful natural sunlight. Hasselblad 100mm Planar

More Agfa 70mm Aviphot 200 processed in Rollei Supergrain developer. Similar in most respects to 70mm Rollei 400s available fresh from Germany

70mm Agfa Aviphot 200 Rollei Supergrain by Nokton48, on Flickr
all of them are aviphot.. you mean Avipan 200 then. i think its Avipan 200S. S for soft. and 400S is the equivalent since 200 could be a bit overexposed. who knows. maco could give the answer. i asked a lot on other 70 film-thread. still some open questions.Adox should offer longroll 61.5mm film. its not 61mm right?
thats why the epson 800/850 filmholder was a failing construction. Am i right?
Makiflex Retro 320 - 2 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makiflex 360mm Kern-Aarau Process Lens, Foma Soft Retro 320 9x12cm (cropped) Microdol-X

Plaubel Makina III Efke 100 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Makina III Anticomar F2.9 wide-open Efke PL100 6x9cm cut film Microdol-X

Plaubel Makina III Ilford FP4+ by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makina III F2.9 Anticomar wide-open, 6x9cm Ilford FP4+ cut film Microdol-X

Makina Innis Woods Foma by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Makina III 100mm F2.9 Anticomar wide open Foma 200 roll film Microdol-X

Makina III Foma 200 6x9 cut film by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Makina III Anticomar F2.9 wide open Foma 200 6x9 cut film Microdol-X

Makina III Efke PL100 #1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Makina Anticomar F2.9 wide open Efke PL100 6x9 cut film Microdol-X

Makiflex Test Delta 3200 by Nokton48, on Flickr

High speed film was not an option when these cameras were new. Delta 3200 at EI 800 Schneider 360mm Tele-Arton wide-open

makiflex #6 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makiflex 120 Schneider Angulon Foma 200 6x9 roll film Microdol-X f11 1/8 Camera on tripod

Makiflex Test #8 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makiflex 360mm Schneider Tele-Arton Foma 200 6x9 rollfilm Microdol-X
I corrected the town of Kern. Aarau.
btw: Some big Kern-idiot destroyed all lens-documents! except a tiny amount.
i still have 3200 Tmax 70mm. good to know to shoot 800. dont try reversal. will not work. useless to waste film. maco-direct has 400 asa-30.5m.
Makiflex Pecoflex Adapter 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Today I am tuning up the Makiflex to Pecoflex Adapter, on Makiflex Auto Body #2. Getting ready to take this out.

I've put together a kit of mostly Xenars to fully utilize the cameras. The shortest usuable seems to be about 210mm, so that one, plus the 240mm Xenar, and the 360mm Tele-Xenar. All original Plaubel Makiflex Auto stuff.

This rig is fun to use. There are plenty of camera movements in the front, and it's intuitive to use. Need a tripod.

Will be shooting 9x9cm B&W on 9x12cm format film.
Makina II Ilford FP4+ Rubinos by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makina II FP4+Graiters by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makina II HP5+ Reclaimed Creek Bed by Nokton48, on Flickr

Makina II FP4+ Apples Blossoms Back Yard by Nokton48, on Flickr

Looking through this camera is like transporting back to the 1930's. It's very relaxing and contemplative to photograph with it. Plaubel used to say "World's Smallest Large Format Camera". Which makes it great for hand holding. :)

Getting it to function properly as designed is worth all the -struggles-.
Yep it sure does. I recommend the Plaubel Makina Silver (modern looking) backs.

Makina II photos above ^^ taken with Plaubel Makina roll back.
Pecoflex Adapter Bag Bellows Makiflex Auto 240 Xenar 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

With this new custom made Pecoflex Makiflex Bag Bellows I can swing tilt rise fall with lenses as wide as 150mm. I have not had time to check all my lenses with this setup. My Fuji GX680 lens collection hacked to Makiflex will not work with this unit.

Pecoflex Adapter Makiflex Auto 240 Xenar 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

I did a considerable amount of work on my Pecoflex Adapter for the Makiflex Automatics, it wouldn't mount properly on both cameras I own. After adding an extra washer underneath which I stuck on with contact cement, and now it fits everything :)

This is the long bellows that came with it a Makiflex accessory. I then bought a Peco Jr Bag Bellows for $30 and put it away. Later I bought a Peco Jr Adapter and modified the Bag (moving one of the frames 45 degrees, and used hobby modeling brass screws and Pliobond Cement to put it all back together. Some dremeling of the screws, and application flat black paint and it is finally done!

Shown with the 240mm F4.5 Schneider barrel mount Xenar. I used this with a 4x5 Graphmatic finishing off some HP5+ yesterday. Resulting flower photograph I will show here soon.

Lots of fun being had :) This is making something that was never offered by the Plaubel factory. They made a Makiflex Bag Bellows for the Pecoflex Attachment but I have never seen one.

Makiflex Auto Petzval Ortho+ ADOX Borax MQ by Nokton48, on Flickr

Another test this time Makiflex Automatic 9x12cm Ilford Ortho + Petzval lens ADOX Borax MQ (D76 type I mix myself) replenished 1/250 F4 EI 50 Key Day No fill

Aristo #2 8x10 #2 RD print Ilford Multigrade dev

Flowers Back Porch J Lane Dry Plate Multigrade dev by Nokton48, on Flickr

9x12cm J Lane Dry Plate, loaded into a 9x12cm RADA Normalfaltz Single Plate Holder. Exposed in Plaubel Makiflex Automatic with a lens purchased from an Antique shop in the UK. An 8 inch F4 (?) approx brass projection lens of the Petzval variety. 1/4 sec exposure at wide open F4 (?) approx EI of 1, lightest cloud veiling direct key sun. Almost key light. No fill. Glass neg processed in Ilford Multigrade paper dev 10 mins at 20C.

I also shot frames with modern film, Efke PL100 and FOMA 100. Will be interesting to see the differences.

It does have a period look to it.........
Maki Std Copy Test Shades 180mm F3.2 GX680 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Here I have attached the Makiflex Standard camera. to my Sinar Norma Copy Stand/Clamp/Head Mechanism. Attached the 180mm F3.2 Fuji GX680. Shooting my "shades" as a 3D test, using a Plaubel Makina 6x6 120 back, loaded with FOMA 200 rated at 100. Polarized lighting both sides, 200WS each, and the 103mm Sinar Norma Polarizing Filter Holder fits tightly on the front lenshood on the 180 GX680 lens. Just like it was made for it! :) WOW this lens has some resolution, now.... Quite acute in a good way.

I have wanted to try this setup for a while. As I think I have mentioned before, the Makiflex family has a Plaubel patented shutter braking mechanism, absolutely granite boulder solid and vibration free. Plaubel made a big deal about this when the introduced the camera. Unlike some other big SLR's, no vibes at all, so perfect, although somewhat mute as I am using strobe.

This is tight 6x6 crop of the clip-on sunglasses. Will try to develop ASAP. Also I can use all kinds of sheet film in this.

Foma 200 bracked at f16, f11, f8 and f5.6 as a start. Development will prolly be in Pyro PMK+
Wild Apple Tree Maki II HRU Handheld 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Handheld HRU 6.5cmx9cm XRay photography. Plaubel Makina II with Plaubel Makina Yellow Filter 1/50 at F6.0 Exposure determined by guess and experience so far. Replenished Legacy Mic-X 12 minutes at ambient. Neg is overexposed which is not right but very promising as I will decrease exposure by one and two stops next time. Also will reduce developing time to eight minutes which is more like it but this is working OK so far. Arista #2 8x10 Print Omega Dii Diffusion head laser aligned. Multigrade dev