Olympus 35RD meter adjust


Local time
7:10 PM
Mar 7, 2007
The meter of my Olympus 35RD needs adjustment. It is off by one stop (instead f8 it meters f11). I still got some old stock mercuries and I am not asking to adjust the camera to 1.5V for the moment. I checked different batteries and the meter is always wrong. So I was thinking about how "easy" it would be to adjust the meter. If found a nice manual from our member Rick Oleson (thanks Rick great site), but it is for the Oly 35RC. It must be a quiet easy job for that camera but after I opened the bottom plate of my 35RD I noticed that this camera is completely different. So the question is where to adjust the meter for the Olympus 35RD. Is there a screw somewhere, that I can turn for more or less exposure, and if so where is this screw located. How difficult is this repair ? Is there a big risk to "kill" my meter? I still have the option to just turn the ISO setting on the camera, but it would be nice if the camera works as it should. Thanks for your help....
Did not get any answers here. Got the camera fixed by [SIZE=-1]sendeancameras here in London. 50$ for lightmeter recalibration and adjust to 1.5V batteries. So there was a way to do it. Well, sometimes it is good to give the repair guys a job as long they exist. If you know a selfmade solution for this problem to calibarte the lightmeter for a Olympus 35RD, maybe the next reader would be interested in it.
Greyhound man I was waiting for you. Thanks for the tip. The 1N4148 is less than $50:), but I am still happy with their job. I am not good in soldering anyway. But how do you place the diode. Is this just for the battery problem, or is this also to calibrate the light meter. Is it a replacement or addition? For the battery - would you recommend a adjustment to1.5V in general or would you stick with 675 zink batteries, because of there low voltage drop? For the calibrition of the lightmeter. How is this done "professional". Dimitri told me he uses a computer for calibration, but did not tell me his secrets. I have also to check if he put a diode in the camera.
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ISO, for several years my Canon FTb has had its film speed set to 650, which gives readings correct for 100. Not a voltage matter, since I have an adapter (de Gruijter) which brings 1.55 (silver) down to 1.35. Schottky diode, whatever that is.
OK finally picked up my camera at sendeancamera in Soho. Sice I gave them a good credit above and also was happy with their last job on my Canonet, this time I am quiet dissapointed. First the lightmeter is still 1 Stop off, but to the other side now. Instead f8 it reads, f 5.6. They did not put a diode inside, to do compansation of the battery proplem. What they did was putting some "black glue" on the lightmeter at the front of the lensbarrel, to make less light come through. When I went there I compared the readings with my very accurate handhald meter. After I realized the wrong readings, I asked them about it and they tried to explain me that the speed of the camera was slightly of. Wait a minute, if you are saying the 1/125 on the camera is a real 1/90, the lightmeter should show me f5 instead of f4, but it shows f3. Well, I will give the camera a run on slides and see how the results will look like. But $50 to put some black stuff on my lens and run the camera through a electronic lightmeter test, is a bit much, in my opinion. Will not go there anymore.:mad:
Thanks Greyhoundman. When you are just around you may give a information about the same situation on the Canonet QIII 17. The meter was off on this camera, too. So I brought it to them, since they also offered the adjustment to V1.5. Before I read about the difficulties to adjust the meter on this camera. Little screw beside the film counter.... Anyway, I knew if they would place diode inside (which seems like not to easy on this model), the batterie check button will not work anymore. The button still works fine. The reading is fine on this camera as much as I tested (without film) and there is no black stuff on my lens. They did not tell me how they did the adjustment, so I ask you to tell me if this 1.5V adjustment is done correct in just twisting this little screw...Again $50, but this was my fathers camera and I like it a lot. How would you handle this repair? Put diode inside and after adjust the lighmeter on the little screw? Would be very nice if you can give me an answer. Thanks.