Olympus Trip 35 red flag intermittent.


Local time
6:28 PM
Aug 10, 2017
The red flag on my Trip is becoming intermittent in low light (or when the lens cap is on). Pops up roughly 70% of the time in darkness/ lens cap on. Exposures still seem to be ok, anything I should be concerned about ?

If the cell was on the way out, the flag would start popping up in daylight, right ? So not likely to be the cell going ?

Tempted to wheel the Trip out again. After trying out a few more modern AF compacts, the optics on the Trip are light years better. Also want to try it again after discovering half press is exposure lock *doh*
The flag comes up when the needle is not deflected - so if the camera is set to "A", and the cell has no output, the flag comes up every time the release button is pushed.

I don't know what the others think but in your shoes I'd send it off to one of the specialists in your country and get it completely checked and so on. That's because I think the Trip is in a special class of its own. There's no other quite like it although I can think of one or two near it...

Regards, David
They are simple cameras to work on (I've just overhauled one, which had one of the lens assembly securing screws stuck in the meter movement). The one awkward thing is resetting infinity focus after dismantling the lens. There are pages online which show how to do this.