OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

Those images have tones to die for ... I used some Adox CHS 100 art a while ago and loved it. Those are superb ... I may have to get some more!

I think the OM-1 will always be my sentimental favourite though not necesssarily my most used OM. It's the M3 of the Oly world ... pure, simple and beautifully made IMO. I think an OM-4 looks and feels very busy by comparison.

Thanks for posting those images by the way. :)
I'm sorry, but I disagree on both accounts...

Well, each to his own but I think I would find it a bit of a pain remembering to take the batteries out of camera every time I put it away, and I find I get exposures which are just as accurate using my hand-held lightmeter with my OM-1 and no batteries.

I've owned all the single-digit OMs (except the OM-3ti) at one time or another and the two types I hang onto are the OM-1 and the OM-4ti. The battery problems of the OM-4 and OM-3 are a pain in the a*** and the OM-2, whilst great, doesn't give me as many options as the OM-4ti.
Ha! That's what I thought, until I started using my OM-3Ti. I don't touch my OM-1 anymore, it looks pretty in the display case...

agree on this, my OM-3, (and the ti is the definite version of it) has made all other OM's basically obsolete, the OM-1 is still sleek and nice looking though and it's definitely a classic, but the OM-3 is the perfect synthesis of OM-1 reliability and OM-4 sophistication, also both of my OM-3 never had battery drain issues, I'm down to one now, so keith can double check this.

this weekend I've used my silver OM-2 which is permanently attached to the winder, it's my beater of beater cams. still going strong, love it, still works after all those years including the meter. those OM's just rock
Actually I'm more than happy to get this OM-3 for the $470.00 shipped and paypal'd ... I almost considered paying this much for one I spotted a few months ago and was a definite user!

That's a decent price for an OM-3 in a good condition.

It's... uh, far from what I paid for mine ;)
start thinking about that kidney... had both, kept the f2, it's stellar and worth the money imo, i sometimes miss the supercompactness of the 3.5 (although at F3.5 i feel both were equal..), but overall the f2 is much more versatile, it gets 2 stops more light, one of the few lenses i own which is truly sharp from wideopen, so f2 is more than just an emergency setting, also the f2 version gives you great flexibiliy should you want to adapt it to nex, canon FF or whaterver suitable digital platform. for the size though the 3.5 version is unbeatable.
Gosh.. I sure hope they allow for body parts in the classifieds..
I'm half way through a test roll on the OM2n I received yesterday in the mail. Three words: Great little camera! Fingers are crossed that the test goes well because I really like it from the size, build and ergonomic points of view.

I am so addicted I can't stand it if there are no updates to this thread at least every 2 days !!

For my contribution I would like to add that I shot 2 rolls of Elitechrome slide film, two rolls of black and white and one roll of Kodak Gold 400 in two different OM1's over the past week.

I was using my favorite 50/1.4 and 28/2.8 lenses.

I have a Zuiko 35-105 and a 100-200 that I have never used so I promise to take them out this weekend.

I think I will make it a tele/zoom party and use the 85/2.0 also

(I usually stay on the wide side of the room)
250/2 and Adox CHS 25

250/2 and Adox CHS 25

A couple of additional images from my first roll of Adox CHS 25 - a really delicious film. Also the only film I've yet shot that really does justice to the Zuiko 250mm:

Savanna layers

(Zuiko 250mm at f/2.0, Adox CHS Art 25, OM-4Ti)


(Zuiko 250mm at f/16.0, Adox CHS Art 25, OM-4Ti)

Cacophony of leaves

(Zuiko 250mm at f/2.0, Adox CHS Art 25, OM-4Ti)

Vegetation and echo

(Zuiko 250mm at f/2.0, Adox CHS Art 25, OM-4Ti)

For the past couple of years I have thoroughly enjoyed this lens - but this amazing film really makes it come alive.
Dawid: Holy you-know-what! Those are great. Time for me to get some Adox 25. I may try it in 4x5 too.
Ok, here's a trivia for y'all:

Name a camera as tall and deep as OM-1, and... just a tad bid less wide (imagine that!),
has a shutter speed dial around the lens mount and a very short throw for advancing film.

Hint: Olympus didn't make it.
Ok, here's a trivia for y'all:

Name a camera as tall and deep as OM-1, and... just a tad bid less wide (imagine that!),
has a shutter speed dial around the lens mount and a very short throw for advancing film.

Hint: Olympus didn't make it.


Maybe you're thinking of something else though but that isn't a camera I miss lol.

Maybe you're thinking of something else though but that isn't a camera I miss lol.

Not Nikkormat.
Although those have shutter speed around the lens mount also, they are quite a bit bigger and heavier than an OM-1.

Hint #2: Sears re-branded this camera for a short while.