OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

Out shooting for the first two days of my seven rolls in seven days challenge with my OM-1 and the new late serial 35mm f2 Zuiko I just got from maitani.

Early days but this just may be the best 35mm lens I've ever used!

And speaking of lenses here's a shot with my 50mm f3.5 macro and OM-1.

Pretty sexy subject if I do say so myself ... she's not bad for eighty two! :D

Keith, that's lovely bit of kit. Do you use it now and again?

Last time I used it Ted I broke it and had to send it to Youxin in the states. Nothing major ... just sheared the pin on the end of the shutter speed selector shaft ... and he gave it a CLA while it was there. I also discovered that Youxin absolutely loves the Leica 1 and has a couple himself ... he also suggested I be vey careful with this one in future because he rated it as one of the best he's seen, which made me feel kinda pleased! I don't suffer from Leica blindness but I have to confess that this little camera is very, very special. 35mm photography doesn't come any simpler.

As for usage ... three rolls of film in five years! :D
Thanks, Keith, for the reply, and also for the information contained therein.

I had an opportunity to buy one advertised recently in the classifieds, but then my discretionary income evaporated (had to pay for a new roof on my house after half the asphalt shingles blew off during a windstorm).

But someday....
Out shooting for the first two days of my seven rolls in seven days challenge with my OM-1 and the new late serial 35mm f2 Zuiko I just got from maitani.

Early days but this just may be the best 35mm lens I've ever used!


This is interesting. Feel free to post more Keith.
Keith, posting that shot with your new 35 is really, really not fair. You know that, right? I had given up looking for one, especially since I am helping ($$$) my daughter go to France for a year of study.

So now, once that's done, it's shopping time again.
I'm not very good at scanning, I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for the 35/2.8

I can't afford the f/2 version, so this is my only choice because I love the FL (IQ isn't very important to me)
I have the 35-70 and 35-105 zooms which are actually very nice. So I never felt a need for a 35mm prime Zuiko.

I have always had the 28mm Zuikos (2.8 & 3.5) and love them; plus the 24/2.8 which is an amazing lens, but a touch too wide for me.

Lately I have been looking for a 35/2.8 and the damned digi shooters have driven the prices way up. They've absolutely killed my chances at any of the 2.0 Zuiko wides.

I believe the digi's will soon tire of the legacy glass fad but then our lenses will sit, locked up in their cabinets.
And another from the 35m f2 ... same again, f8 or f11. It is one very sharp lens!

Keith, posting that shot with your new 35 is really, really not fair. You know that, right? I had given up looking for one, especially since I am helping ($$$) my daughter go to France for a year of study.

So now, once that's done, it's shopping time again.

I know someone who has a 28/2 they aren't using and is in the market for a 90mm for his Sinnar :D

I don't have any new shots from my OM cameras, so here is an older shot with my favorite zuiko on my least favorite camera:

Untitled by redisburning, on Flickr
I know someone who has a 28/2 they aren't using and is in the market for a 90mm for his Sinnar :D

I don't have any new shots from my OM cameras, so here is an older shot with my favorite zuiko on my least favorite camera:
Untitled by redisburning, on Flickr

I should probably stop visiting this thread ...

It's not only the budget of sending my daughter (whom I love so, so dearly!) to France, but the gaze of SWMBO who is in charge of household finances. :eek:
ohhh can someone please tell me how to remove the top cover of om1 ? i want to replace some things, but that thing refuse to be removed ... i removed the two screws under the rewind knob and the whole advance lever, but under the advance lever there's something glued with no screws, just two holes.
ohhh can someone please tell me how to remove the top cover of om1 ? i want to replace some things, but that thing refuse to be removed ... i removed the two screws under the rewind knob and the whole advance lever, but under the advance lever there's something glued with no screws, just two holes.

You need to remove the advance lever with a spanner (via the two holes in the black disk). Don't apply pressure on the spanner when you do this. You also need to remove the wind lever.

You need to remove the cap nut on the hot shoe mount. Be careful not to scratch and don't lose the little washer under the nut.
OM-3 Feature

OM-3 Feature

Does anyone know why the OM-3 beeps when you remove or attach a lens?

Is it a theft alarm? :)

I'm just wondering why it does this and no other OM does. (sorry, I don't have a manual)

Thanks, Bill