OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

This got me puzzled (I'm reading with a lot of interest because I just bought a OM4 and am waiting for it to arrive): when not using the Highlight button, and hence using "normal" metering, imho the snow would come out being too dark, not too white, since the meter in that case would try to attain a 18% gray.
As I understood the working of the Highlight button, you tell the meter that the part you are pointing at should be "overexposed" 1.5 or 2 stops, so that it would come out as a highlight, hence lighter then 18% gray.

Am I missing something ?


What you missed, because I didn't add this critical information, is that there were large objects in the scenes that were not snow-white. It was a typical neighborhood scene, with trees and cars, and, in my case, a big stand of bamboo bent over in all directions from the snow piled on top, but the bamboo itself is rather dark.

I took several pictures. On some, I just used average metering, and on some I spot-metered the snow on the ground in the neighbors yard and used the "HILIGHT" button. When I got the prints back, I found that the average metering let the snow over-expose, but the "HILIGHT" snow was just right.

As you say, if I'd just spot metered the snow then it would have come out middle gray.
My OM kit: Two OM2Ns, 28, 50, 135mm lenses, skins from cameraleather.


  • OM 3w.jpg
    OM 3w.jpg
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That's an amazing looking black OM-2n!
What's the skin on it?
Looks a bit shiney though - does it grip well?

The black OM has cameraleather Composit, saddle tan. It is smooth, a bit too thin for me but not slipery. I would not use it again.
The silver is cameraleather Seal Grain, red and is very nice.
No room for error with cameraleather skins, they touch-they stick. I prefer working with Aki-Asahi skins but I hate their web site.
FYI, I got excellent service with cameraleather.
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Wet application, missed that instruction. I stand corrected:mad:, and further recommend cameraleather skins.
Hello everyone. I've been very busy lately, not much time to post, but I've been following the thread, checking in every few days or so. Wow! It just keeps going and going. Lots of Zuiko love out there.

I've really enjoyed the conversation, comments and photos posted here. You've all been a big help to me too. Not just Zuiko love here, but a lot of lore and good advice to go with it.

Hopefully I'll have more spare time in a few weeks and will post some photos.

Take care everyone!
when i shifted from slr's to rangefinders it was a liberation. i dumped all my slr gear (minolta xd7 + lenses) thinking i'd never own an slr again. but then i tried a friends OM-1 and i was amazed. small body, big viewfinder! i went a bit nuts after that and got myself an OM-1, OM-2n, OM-2sp, 50/1.8, 35/2.8 in the space of about a week.

i'm really quite amazed at how well the M and OM systems marry. It doesn't feel arkward going between the two.

oh some OM pics :)

Berlin shots question

Berlin shots question

I am a little puzzled why your b&w photos are so high in contrast, even the outdoor shots in the winter in Berlin (where the sky appears to be overcast). Did you push the Tri-X to a higher ISO? How did you develop the film?
GAS - again!

GAS - again!

Couldn't resist it, an Oly 35-105mm 'macro' lens.
Cost me just over £22 plus postage and packing.
If its as good as its description ...........!

Oh dear, and I was sort of saving for an OM-4 or OM-4Ti body.

Oh jeeze, just bought myself the Zuiko 50/1.2...should be here later this week! I'll have to sell my other Zuiko 50's to fund it :( Should be worth it though...
Gas attacks get worse!

Gas attacks get worse!

Had to raid the dog's savings, collect all the money off the mantle piece, delve into the back of the sofa, look in the wife's shopping basket, grovel under the refrigerator, go through all my old jackets and trousers, walk down the road searching for pennies in the gutter, and then didn't have quite enough money. So decided to eat the emergency tin of corned beef instead of buying a steak. Bereft of any sense, I've pushed the button and got a 'BUY IT NOW' OM-4Ti!
Seller says he has put 5 films through it during the last six months and was very pleased with the results, and, says he is selling because he has picked up a 'minty' boxed body. All sounds very credible!!!
Now I wait and see.
Having done the deed I feel quite calm and relaxed over the purchase - don't have the feeling I've made a dreadful mistake. Only time will tell!
But perhaps its time I was taken away and locked up somewhere!
I am a little puzzled why your b&w photos are so high in contrast, even the outdoor shots in the winter in Berlin (where the sky appears to be overcast). Did you push the Tri-X to a higher ISO? How did you develop the film?


outdoors it's probably filters, almost everything is shot with either yellow or red filter.

i think some of the contrast comes from the scanner as well. used a konica-minolta scanner (dunno model, it's part of a photolab) which seams to be quite high contrast