OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

Two prints from last week-end in the darkroom:


(OM-1n, 90mm Macro at f/2.0, Fomapan 100, 8x10in analogue print)


(OM-3Ti, 21mm F2 at f/4.0, Kodak TMY2-400, 8x10in analogue print)

Nice shots. Very good use of the 21/2. I find wide angle difficult for me and shoot mostly with a 50, though I've made a conscious effort to shoot the 28 more often and am beginning to feel more comfortable with it.
Love how everyone is keeping the thread alive. Sharing some of my shots with my trusty OM-1.

Some with the OM-1 and OM Zuiko 28mm f2 and 50mm f1.8




Here is my Olympus OM-2 back from John Hermanson few days back. Photos from OM Zuiko Are beautiful But I didn't like the Film SLR experience much!
I always feel like if the mirror is coming out to SLAP ME :eek:

If you feel threatened by the OM's mirror slap, don't ever buy a Pentax 67 ... you may not survive the experience! :p
Your presentation looks really nice on my computer. Would you mind sharing what scanner and software were used to digitize your 8 x 10 prints.

Hi There,

Thank you very much :) I scan my prints on an Epson V700 scanner to 16-bit greyscale (TIFF) via Vuescan software, in such a manner as to capture the full dynamic range (not difficult with a print - much easier than with, say, slide film), then I populate them with EXIF data using ExifTool (open source, command-line based), and then import them into Apple Aperture for final tweaking (so they look like the original print), sharpening and exporting with border (using the BorderFX plugin).
If you feel threatened by the OM's mirror slap, don't ever buy a Pentax 67 ... you may not survive the experience! :p

If I ever do Keith, I'll buy an ear plug so it'll pair with the BIG P.
I doubt I'll ever use it though "my hand is small" :(
"Movin' on up"

(Ilford FP4+, OM-2n, 135/3.5 wide open, 5x7in analogue print)

Early morning in Durban, South Africa - just watching the city wake up during a business trip.
My OM 4 has arrived

My OM 4 has arrived

I picked up my OM 4 from the post office about an hour ago.

First impressions - apart from a tiny bit of paint loss around the film memo holder it looks almost mint. And after having a bit of a play around this looks like an amazing piece of gear. I think I'll need a bit of a session with the instruction manual but after I run a test roll through it over the weekend I think this will be getting a lot of use
Ok now count me in........I tried the 135mm f2.8 and I was amazed by the way it draws, to me it's better than the 85mm f2!

Still the mirror impose an issue but way less than my first roll. "this is for Keith" I'm still not ready for the Big P
Ok now count me in........I tried the 135mm f2.8 and I was amazed by the way it draws, to me it's better than the 85mm f2!

Still the mirror impose an issue but way less than my first roll. "this is for Keith" I'm still not ready for the Big P

That 135mm f2.8 is stunning lens IMO. For tight candid portraits it definitely has an edge over the 85mm f2. I got mine a few months ago and love it.
That 50mm f3.5 is the sharpest SLR lens I have used ... as a macro it's very good but as a walk around slowish 50mm it's extrordinary.

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Just picked up a second OM2n, black body this time, it's a bit tough looking but works just fine. It's just going to end up having a hellish time with me using it to death.

Bought the second body so I don't need to change the lenses all the time, or have a second body loaded with black and white.

Hate to say it that I find myself using my OM2n's more than my M2 now!

I snagged the second body as it was only £10! It is a bit rough but black cameras look quite nice with brass showing.

Just picked up a second OM2n, black body this time, it's a bit tough looking but works just fine. It's just going to end up having a hellish time with me using it to death.

Bought the second body so I don't need to change the lenses all the time, or have a second body loaded with black and white.

Hate to say it that I find myself using my OM2n's more than my M2 now!

I snagged the second body as it was only £10! It is a bit rough but black cameras look quite nice with brass showing.


Ten quid! :eek: What a bargain!

I'm currently down to three OM bodies ... a black OM-1, a black OM-2 and a silver OM-2.

Have you considered an OM-1 Vicky? ... they have a sort of unique purity to them IMO.