OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

Let me know his response. Maybe my spare spare body will go sooner than later as originally planned.
Those photo's look good Paul, almost as good as my Canon:D Sorry I had to throw that in there. If all it needs is light seals then I suggest a kit from Jon Goodman & do it yourself. Or have your son do it if your hands wont allow you to at your instruction of course;):) If you think it needs a full cla then Mr Titterington looks to be a good choice...enjoy!
thank you, guys. in handling just for one roll, this om is the closest an slr can come to being a rangefinder. the viewfinder is wonderful. i can focus with both eyes open, with my glasses on. so much more compact and lighter than my f2a.
I've got an OM1, OM1n and OM2n that I haven't used for awhile. I need to send them in for overhaul (probably after income and property taxes get paid). In the mean time I took a chance on an "ugly" OM2s from KEH. It was waiting on my deck when I got home.

I popped some batteries in it and everything seems functional, but I have a question. I went through a pdf manual downloaded from Great site if you don't have an original manual for your camera, light meter, flash etc. However, I didn't find where it says to set the switch when you put the camera down. In other words, what functions as "off?" Surely there is a way to conserve the batteries when not taking photos.
I don't have an OM2S, but rather an OM4T. I don't think there us a true "off" on these cameras and that's why they have battery life issues.

As far as I ever knew, the closest thing to "off" is to set the shutter speed to Manual 60 or B. (even then it might still not be off).

The true way is to remove the batteries altogether.

I hope someone with more information about the OM2S can tell me I'm wrong.
John Hermanson will be along soon enough to provide authoritative information. :D

BTW, the lack of an off position is not why any OM has a battery drain issue. Some OM-4 bodies had circuit issues that caused rapid drain.
I assume any mode selector position goes into a "standby" mode after awhile and there is a minimal drain as long as the batteries installed?

I did notice the film advance is a little stiff. It's definitely stiffer than my other OM bodies, but it works. For $50 including shipping you can't expect perfection. :) I'll take it to work tomorrow and see if I can burn through a roll to check if everything else is o.k.
my $69 EX-grade chrome om-1n arrived today.
mirror bumpers and seals look brand new. mirror and screen are almost dust free. split-screen/microprism dot is perfect for my eye. shutters speeds seem dead on. KEH noted the meter doesn't work, which was why it was marked down. i think it doesn't work because it does not have a battery. the batt space looks mint.
i mounted the 50/1.8 and loaded it with bw400cn. the test roll commenced tonight. i am pumped. this just may be my main kit, period. what a jewel.
it is an md version, and has that little usa shield thingy on the front of the body.
yee-haw! :)
my $69 EX-grade chrome om-1n arrived today.
mirror bumpers and seals look brand new. mirror and screen are almost dust free. split-screen/microprism dot is perfect for my eye. shutters speeds seem dead on. KEH noted the meter doesn't work, which was why it was marked down. i think it doesn't work because it does not have a battery. the batt space looks mint.
i mounted the 50/1.8 and loaded it with bw400cn. the test roll commenced tonight. i am pumped. this just may be my main kit, period. what a jewel.
it is an md version, and has that little usa shield thingy on the front of the body.
yee-haw! :)
Actually, all of the OM-1Ns were motor drive-capable. When Olympus offered the OM-1, you could buy it as a non-MD or an MD version. When Olympus came up with the 1N, they all were motor drive-capable over the entire run of the variation. The company left the little MD badge on the camera because they were afraid people would think the 1N wasn't able to use motor drive if it didn't have the MD badge.
thanks, Greg, but don't send it to me. i am not a tele or extreme macro guy.
i tell you, for $69, this cam is a work of industrial art. a 24/2.8 or 28/2.8 will finish my olympus kit. this rascal feels more at home in my hands than anything else i've tried ...