OMD-EM5 Pics

Grand Haven Pier, Michigan. Oly 12mm, Rokinon 7.5mm, Oly 70-200mm (4/3rds)




I think I actually changed about five times! I also had a few other lenses, my hands lasted about an hour. It was about 22F. Luckily, no wind.
@ Maggie: How do like the 17mm F/1.8 Maggie?

I'm liking it quite a lot, though it's not a perfect lens, in that it's a wee bit soft in the corners, but not so much that you notice it in most shots and if you choose a focus point in or near one of the corners, that corner's softness more or less goes away. The EFOV of 34mm, and f1.8 makes it just about perfect for indoor shooting.

Overall, it's a gorgeous lens to use (nice and compact and MF works a charm once you get used to the slightly shifted scale focus marks), to look at and it makes gorgeous files, too.