One digital camera around the world?

taking everything into consideration, I'm thinking the darkhorse-- Sigma DP2 -- is what I'm going to end up buying. Reading about all of the quirks is one thing, but then looking at the images produced by this camera just totally overshadow everything negative about it. Plus, I'll save at least $300 compared to a GF1 (which I would probably buy if I had that extra money to spend).

Now, off to stock up on DP2 batteries...
Have you decided on what you want out of your images? By that, I mean, do you want color, black and white, digital-look, film-look, sharp, soft, etc.

If I were going, I would not even think of the specific tools to use until I decided what results I wanted. This is a unique opportunity and it would be prudent to ask this question of oneself.:)

Lots of technical questions for sure. Also, batteries? No batteries? Back-up? All kinds of questions. Me thinks that trip has already begun once you start getting into answering all of these questions and anticipating a trip! Good luck and bon voyage....:D
or Samsung NX10 + 30mm f2.0 (eq. 45mm, like your Yashica Electro 35)
Cheapest than m4/3, still small, bulit EVF, fast...
but not for JPG, RAW is very much better...
but RAW file is BIG.

Actually I played with an nx10 + 30mm f2 today and was blown away at how well sorted the little package was! The lens is fast, silent, and super sharp at f2, the camera is built like a tank and ergonomically brilliant, it was very small including the built in EVF which was great quality, AF was very fast and all the controls were intuitive and fantastic. Seriously what a great little camera! I'd seriously consider one of these (in fact I actually am...)
If you're going to buy the NX10 (or the G1, for that matter), why not just go for an SLR? Anything bigger than a GF1/EP1 is no longer compact, in my book...
what do you guys think about $380 for a DP2? I'm very anxious to get a camera before I leave for Bangkok-- but I can't decide whether I want to spend almost 400 on a point and shoot (perhaps give the GRDIII another shot?), or just buck-up and go for the GF1... :\
What about the panasonic G3?
I'm looking at changing my GF1 for the new Panasonic G3. The signs so far suggest it is like my gf1 in size. Higher resolution inbuilt EVF. Ergo hand grip. Better high ISO performance as tested ( but I cannot confirm till I try one). Not a big step up in price. Actually cheaper than my gf1 kit cost if you add the cost of the EVF attachment.

If you think you would buy and keep the EVF on the Gf1 most of the time, without question, I would be recommending looking at the G3 instead. Problem with the EVF attachment is it is boxy and catches on stuff especially as you put it in and out of your camera bag. There is no lock to hold it in the hotshoe just friction. I am always paranoid I might lose my EVF attachment and It costs a large sum so I'd be really upset to lose it.
Have a look at the Canon Powershot S95: fast wide-angle, pocketable, 399 on bhphoto. And if you did not know... processing/printing/scanning film in SE Asia is very affordable...
Have a look at the Canon Powershot S95: fast wide-angle, pocketable, 399 on bhphoto. And if you did not know... processing/printing/scanning film in SE Asia is very affordable...

I like everything about the S95, but the small sensor. I have to have some DOF for some reason... Then again, the GRDIII also has a small sensor, and it produced nice images, so who knows?
What about the panasonic G3?
I'm looking at changing my GF1 for the new Panasonic G3. The signs so far suggest it is like my gf1 in size. Higher resolution inbuilt EVF. Ergo hand grip. Better high ISO performance as tested ( but I cannot confirm till I try one). Not a big step up in price. Actually cheaper than my gf1 kit cost if you add the cost of the EVF attachment.

If you think you would buy and keep the EVF on the Gf1 most of the time, without question, I would be recommending looking at the G3 instead. Problem with the EVF attachment is it is boxy and catches on stuff especially as you put it in and out of your camera bag. There is no lock to hold it in the hotshoe just friction. I am always paranoid I might lose my EVF attachment and It costs a large sum so I'd be really upset to lose it.

Should have made this more clear: I don't really want to spend more than $300-- I would go up to $500 and feel guilty for a while, but would get over it. I know I can't get a GF1+pancake for $500, so anything more than that is out of the question. Still, the GF1 is my ideal camera right now...

That being said: if I could find a Sigma DP2 for ~325, I'd buy it in a second.
If you're going to buy the NX10 (or the G1, for that matter), why not just go for an SLR? Anything bigger than a GF1/EP1 is no longer compact, in my book...

Because from my experience with an e-p1, I'd never buy another camera without a viewfinder. Once you add the viewfinder to the e-p2/e-pl2 it becomes larger than the nx10.

fyi, the nx10 is like a quarter the size of my 5d. It's still really small.
Should have made this more clear: I don't really want to spend more than $300-- I would go up to $500 and feel guilty for a while, but would get over it. I know I can't get a GF1+pancake for $500, so anything more than that is out of the question. Still, the GF1 is my ideal camera right now...

That being said: if I could find a Sigma DP2 for ~325, I'd buy it in a second.

Ok no prob. 500 for a gf1 I agree is not possible. I have seen of late the 20mm pancake lens skyrocket it price to around 550 on it's own. second hand ones going over the 450 mark. Not sure why. probably short supply or extra demand from Olympus owners adding it to their kit.
Ok no prob. 500 for a gf1 I agree is not possible. I have seen of late the 20mm pancake lens skyrocket it price to around 550 on it's own. second hand ones going over the 450 mark. Not sure why. probably short supply or extra demand from Olympus owners adding it to their kit.

photography gear pricing is so random... I bought a GRDIII six months ago for $225 (sold it for ~$100 more than that a month later :rolleyes:).
Well folks, after buying a GRDIII for $225 some months ago, I've just secured a mint condition Sigma DP2s for $300.

Not to rub it in or anything... :p

I think this is going to be my go-to camera for a long time to come.
Hey, glad you got that DP2s! I hope it is doing what you want, and you are getting results that please you. Those are the important things.
Well folks, after buying a GRDIII for $225 some months ago, I've just secured a mint condition Sigma DP2s for $300.

Not to rub it in or anything... :p

I think this is going to be my go-to camera for a long time to come.

Where'd you find a GR D III for $225? That's an amazing deal!
Where'd you find a GR D III for $225? That's an amazing deal!

Stalking eBay one night after a few beers, I thought maybe I was really drunk when I saw $225 Buy It Now... I guess I bought the thing seconds before some other guy did.

I'll post some images from my Sigma when I have a better internet connection... I'll just say that this camera is maybe my favorite ever.
A combination of the GRD III and DP2(s) is fantastic. I have often used this combination and I love the versatility. Ricoh for low light, wide angle and fast shooting, and the DP2 for portraits, closer views and that gorgeous Foveon look. Congrats!