one year ago this month, i joined RFF ...

Congratulations Paul that was really fast 14 post per day w/o fail. Can't keep up with you, Keith and Rokburfield in the other thread.
Congratulations Paul, I've been here since 2006 and even though my number of posts has somehow rest itself three times it would still be nowhere near 5000 posts. Keep it up, it helps make this one of the best forums out there.
It used to be (still is I think) that photo uploads and comments on photos counted toward that post total that shows up under your avatar, and you're sitting at ~1500 for those. However, that number alone is very impressive for one year. Congrats!

It has to be said that the Mods and people like Paul, Rob, Keith and so many others over the years I've been here, are the real life blood of this forum. Although it makes members like me ( four years and three months ) look lazy and disinterested;)

I used to post much more often when I was salaried, now I'm freelance I don't get the time to post:bang:...or does that just show me to be a terrible employee:D

Well done Paul and all the other major contributors, keep on making the rest of look bad:angel: whilst helping to make RFF such a great place
Congrats Paul....I feel like I know your home and lake :)

I dusted off the enlarger this week and will have it ready on the 16th!
Hi Paul, and happy anniversary.

It has been a pleasure to meet you (and others) on the RFF. I enjoy your contributions greatly.

With best regards
Paul, I remember when you first started posting here and the year has just whizzed by. Good to see you're still posting a lot , I enjoy seeing the pictures around your town. Keep up the good work. I've been here going on 6 years and RFF has become the only place I post much of anything. I just enjoy all the good people here.
Well, I won't sing "Happy Anniversary" to you, Paul--with my voice that would be cruel!--but I will say it.
Happy Anniversary!
It has been a pleasure reading your posts and seeing your photos.
Happy anniversary Paul! And thanks for the kind comment on my Gallery.
I think we should set up a RFF club for the Jan 2010 joiners including ricnak... that was a great month ;)

Ehi, I am a slow poster but I am still here, heck!

Ciao, Andrea
Congratulations Paul, the forum gives drive for discussions and shooting I agree. I have a 3-years Anniversary but my poor English leaves me back in discussion threads:)
Good thing you came, Paul, but it was better that you stayed! :) Keep up the good work! Soon enough you'll be able to participate in the ocassional threads about the distinct trends that have taken place in this forum and reminisce... :)