Online Photos Can’t Be Used Without Permission, EU Court Rules

It is and that's probably why everyone wants to leave it these days; well, the UK does. OTOH, it shows that the turkeys will vote for Christmas if enough lies are told...

Regards, David

Not only will the turkeys vote for christmas they will provide their own stuffing and sauce with the right inducements.
. . . I think the answer is that individual countries are expected to pass their own laws enforcing EU ones . . .

Dear David,

Not exactly. Most law in most European countries is national, and a lot of it dates back to long before the EU or deals with things the EU has never really addressed. The ECJ tries to unify EU laws by ruling on disputed points in different national laws.

This is (like your description) an abbreviated over-simplification but (like your description) it's probably quite useful.


Thanks everyone; I retired (rather early) about 28 or 29 years ago and have only a hazy remembrance plus what I read in the (more hazy) newspapers, which was why I said I thought...

There/then was a time when I had access to our legal dept and translators.

Regards, David