Our Street Photography . . . Post yours!

Barbie, Oppenheimer or Barbenheimer, That's the Q. ( don't forget to ck out the Barbenheimer trailer in yT)

Barbie in Taipei

Photo by Taipei-metro

Canon EOS 10S,
Sigma EF 28-105 Fullframe Lens made in Japan
Fujifilm XTra 400 film made in Japan ( not US )
Taipei, Taiwan

Calvin Klein on Cheng-du Rd ( Cheng-du is a pop. 21-million people city in Sichuan Province, China, all Taipei streets named after Cities of China )

Photo by Taipei-metro

Canon EOS AF 10S,
Sigma EF 28-105,
Fuji Xtra 400 printFilm Japan
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I took this on a trip to Hong Kong in 2012 but somehow overlooked it until yesterday when I processed and posted it. I like the chaos of the street and the way the main subject is picked out by the ambient light. Taken in Central District, Hong Kong Island.

In Hong Kong Central by Life in Shadows, on Flickr

Peter, outstanding as usual. I think your image processing is great.

All the best,
Peter, outstanding as usual. I think your image processing is great.

All the best,
Thanks Mike. I appreciate it.
Needless to say, I loooooooooooooooooove eye candy. :LOL: (I am talking about the image and its post processing not the subject. ;)
Seriously though, I think we, as "togs," communicate and tell stories with images, so it pays to try to make those images as engaging as possible. And that is all I really try to do.
Memories of Hong Kong,
Kowloon Park
Large numbers of young women from other parts of Asia come to HK to work in relatively wealthy households. On their days off they regularly gather and meet with friends in Kowloon Park (and other places).

During my working life, it was the same in Singapore. In the past, these contracts were sometimes abusive but, as far as I know, things have improved in HK and Singapore. I spent time in the Middle East as well, where similar arrangements were in place and working conditions for 'maids' were often abusive and sometimes atrocious. In one particular Middle Eastern country, the Philippine Embassy had hundreds of 'maids' on its premises and the local government had to organize return flights. I'm not sure if things have improved over time. Cheers, OtL.
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During my working life, it was the same in Singapore. In the past, these contracts were sometimes abusive but, as far as I know, things have improved in HK and Singapore. I spent time in the Middle East as well, where similar arrangements were in place and working conditions for 'maids' were often abusive and sometimes atrocious. In one particular Middle Eastern country, the Philippine Embassy had hundreds of 'maids' on its premises and the local government had to organize return flights. I'm not sure if things have improved over time. Cheers, OtL.
I had understood that to be the case and recall, at some point a few years back, reading an article somewhere about some of the abuses suffered by these young women. But from what I understand as many of the households employing them are just middle class (not exactly rich) and given the cost and tiny size of most accommodation in HK, most of which will be in high rise apartments, these womens' living conditions are hardly salubrious. Also, I think most of them only get one day or perhaps one half a day off per week so it's understandable that when they can, they want to escape the claustrophobia and constant demands of employers who may be less than sympathetic to their needs. Anyway, good on them. These large groups were always quiet, peaceful and seemed happy (at the moment anyway) and it was nice to observe - and of course photograph them. It reminds me that I would be absolutely bloody "naff" at being an uncaring tyrant - I am a bit of a "soft touch" for people, especially when I get to know them as a person. I would probably end up giving my domestic help my sleeping quarters while I slept in the laundry! :LOL:

I am glad to see, too that they are fighting for better conditions.

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hope the owner's bringing him/ her a Whopper or something ... ( in Burger King Parking Lot )

Arcadia, Los Angeles County, USA

Img by Taipei-metro

Nikon D80 CCD ApsC dSLR,
Nikkor AF 28mm F2.8 ( 42mm 相當 ) Lens made in Japan
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Memories of Hong Kong,
Kowloon Park
Large numbers of young women from other parts of Asia come to HK to work in relatively wealthy households. On their days off they regularly gather and meet with friends in Kowloon Park (and other places).


Peter, another outstanding image! Well done!

All the best,