Our Street Photography . . . Post yours!

I was organizing back up drives today and came across the picture below. I scanned the negative in late December, 2023, so I may have taken it in November when home for Thanksgiving. It was certainly taken with my M6/Tom Abramson Rapidwinder. The lens is less certain. Could have been a 28 Ultron? Could have been a 35 Summicron . . . I am certain that it was taken on Canal Street. It is a good reminder to me that old-school film Leicas were very capable machines. I still have it, of course, my natural hoarding tendencies where camera gear is concerned having taken over from good sense long, long ago. And I am certain I could track down the negative if I had to to make a higher quality scan. This is really what I produced at the time, almost like a digital contact sheet to see whether any images were worth pursuing for better quality scans/more dust spotting. And OH! the dust spotting. Hours of meditative find-and-click with the clone stamp. That's one part of film photography I don't miss at all.

'i'm a little bit country, i'm a little bit Rock and Roll...
i'm a little bit Memphis and Nashville...' - D and M Osmond 👩‍🦱+😎

Street Fest Street Concert,

Arcadia, Los Angeles County USA

Image by Taipei-metro

Panasonic G6,
Zuiko 14-42
Just finish my breakfast ( free with Hotel coupon ), walked outside the hotel ( Hotel New Otani, Sapporo City ) and took the photo of the Cafe i was in...

Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan 北海道 札幌市

Img by Taipei-metro

Pentax APSC KS1,
SMC Pentax 18-55