Washington DC Out of business?


Local time
5:44 PM
Aug 25, 2009
Looks like the drought has struck and the posts have dried up from this group.

Have Bay Area folks stopped using RFs?

Speaking for myself, I've started using Sony more than Leica, and I seem to find more info and more thoughtful posts on getDPI; so I haven't been looking here as often as I used to.

But I do miss the gatherings we used to hold, especially when we looked at galleries and not just gear. Or went shooting.

Maybe the re-opening of SFMOMA will create a new flow?

Yes... SFMOMA had a big influence on setting up get-togethers easily. Great shows, nice cafe, and great spot to kick off or end a day of street photography. :)

Sprint, 2016... long time wait, but the new Pritzger Center for Photography is definitely going to make the wait bearable. In the meantime, I'm always ready for a bit of B&G... especially now that we have all the cool new EVF's, LCD's, Mp's, SD mega-write speeds, mega-bursts to talk about! :p
Get DPI is a good forum. It's heavily gear oriented too but has a different feel than RF. It seems to have less fighting and in your face attitude. Actually I wish this forum could focus more on the art and less the gear like the Large Format Forum. There's much more sharing of information from really experienced folks and sharing of technique and technic data. LF forum has some of the best photographers I've seen in one place.
I'm pretty booked on weekends in Oct, but come Nov may have time for a meet up in SF or East Bay. And, yes, I'm still shooting RFs. Loving the Summitar I bought from Don ^^^^^!
I'd simply forgotten that this sub-forum existed because of too much to do and too little time. Plus some issues due to medical stuff this year. Despite the busy-ness and the medical obstacles, I've been doing photography as I can and juggling my equipment kit.

  • I sold off my Sony A7 and all accessories. Just didn't like it that much.
  • Expanded my Leica RF gear after I acquired the M-P; added two new lenses (24 and 75 mm)
  • Outfitted myself with a complete Nikon kit (F6 and D750 bodies, added four lenses to the six I already had).
  • Added a Polaroid SLR670a by MiNT to my instant film collection. It's the best Polaroid camera I own, I think, and the most consistent performer.

A lot of GetDPI folks are pretty heavy into Sony gear of late, but there's a large Nikon and Leica contingent there too. As well as LF and MF, technical cameras, etc. Not so much film as RF. I have many friends who hang out there. Good folks, good photographers. I visit both forums about equally.

SFMOMA re-opening will be great, I'm looking forward to it. Once it's open again, and I'm through the medical business, I'll be inclined to meet up for some shooting, talk, and show watching. :)

Sorry, Godfrey, to hear about medical problems, and hope they resolve soon. But I've seen lots of posts – both info/opinion and photo – from you, so I'm glad you're functioning photographically and acquiring great gear!

I've traveled in the opposite direction: down from a dozen or so cameras to three, M-E, MM, and A7rII – which turns out to be excellent for BW.

Working on a book of 'parkscapes.'

I hope everyone else is creative and well.

Thanks so much for your post, Kirk. Every now and then it's good for a post like yours
to revive the RFF people . Sure do wish there was a way to kick start the Gallery again.
10 posts this last week is pathetic!
Jamie's idea of Ocean beach a few months back was good - but anything other than the weekends is out for me.

Shot a roll and a half of Tmax400 today; walking back from Sausalito over the bridge to the SF ferry building ( minimal carry : M-A + ZM35/2.8 only )

I had also been noticing that posting volumes have been down on all film, rangefinder and Leica related forums. Voigtlander and Zeiss RF cameras are gone or going.

The 2nd golden age of rangefinder camera seems to be over - welcome to the age of the quality mirror-less digital camera.

"The 2nd golden age of rangefinder camera seems to be over - welcome to the age of the quality mirror-less digital camera."

Donald, you've expressed my suspicion. IMPersonalO, the 2d golden age began with M8 and ended with M9, which is why I looped back and bought an M-E. It's sort of like M4: the modern version with fewest bells and whistles – excepting of course your M-A.

Anyhow I've always enjoyed meeting with the group, where conversations about equipment and also gallery images have always been stimulating. Whatever we shoot, we should at least plan to meet again when SFMOMA opens.

I need to get back to my "Foglandia" project in the Outer Richmond and Sunset Districts, using an M2, an uncoated Summitar, and cheap color film, so I like the idea of an RFF meet-up out by Ocean Beach. Looking forward to the reopening of SFMOMA but no need to wait till then to get together if enough folks are interested.

I'm still enjoying the "second golden age" of film rangefinders, but then I've always been well behind the cusp in terms of technology.
Thanks Kirk for this post. I've just returned from two plus weeks in Japan, so have images to share (via Lumix GX-1) and film to process (via Leica MP with Zeiss Biogon 35mm f2.8). I have a camera with me at all times and continue to shoot, mainly film. Love to get together again as we can. B&G or P&S (point and shoot) all fine with me. Be well, Bob

P.S. I am holding at one digital camera and 11 Leica bodies. Have my eye on one more as I type this. Then there are the Nikon RF, Cosina Voigtlander, and Canon RF bodies and associated lenses. So, make mine film, for now.
I didn't know there'd even been a "second golden age." For me it's just been Leica continuing on, year after year, for the past 60 years of Ms while a few others come and go.

Regards digital Leica Ms, the typ 240 finally hit the spec that I was looking for. To me, that's the beginning. Of course, the camera you use is one of the smallest parts of Photography. It's good to keep that in mind as we enjoy this nice equipment. :)

Hey folks

I am visiting the in the Bay Area. And would love to meet up for a walk about and coffee/beer this weekend. Anyone interested? :)

Always up for meeting, I'm just no longer in the organizing business. If someone sets up a meet, I'll be there.
I can step into the fray of a meet up for the Bay area folks:

Magnum Photographer Eli Reed will be at the leica store in SF on November 12th
He'll also be doing a workshop that weekend.


I'm very possibly starting a new job at UC Berkeley in November that will kill my ability to go to these events on school nights. None the less, I would suggest this as the next outing. Or if you're like me and can't make a school night, then a Saturday meet up for the exhibit might be in order? If the later, the exhibit itself opens October 19th to the end of year, so any weekend would work?
Sorry, Godfrey, to hear about medical problems, and hope they resolve soon. But I've seen lots of posts – both info/opinion and photo – from you, so I'm glad you're functioning photographically and acquiring great gear! ...

Well, just solved the big one this week. Had a hip replacement done on Monday, so I'm partly mechanical now. :) Feel good! Once this heals up and I get my leg strength back, I'll be out shooting up a storm again.

I have several book ideas I've been working on. I've got six weeks at home to get them more solidified. (Visitors welcome too... )
