Peter Turnley photos Covid-19 New York City

Wow, that guy’s good. Old school B&W (even if digital) still has a lot of power. Good photographic reportage is timeless. I also marvel at how he connects with every person he photographs.
I'm sure you'd run out of space writing a CV for Peter Turnley. "Photographer of the human condition." Wars & politics. I'm willing to bet that living in Paris has helped Peter maintain his sanity given all the things he's witnessed in his life as a photographer. Clearly, he's not just your typical street shooter. He talks to people, gets their names and makes the effort to learn a part of their story.
Peter is one of the best of the humanist school of street photographers. The work he’s posting on Instagram right now, from Poland and Ukraine, is evidence of this, as are his photos from the pandemic in NYC and Paris. I was in one of his workshops last fall, and we discussed his pandemic pics. He made clear that he was scared shitless about Covid, and yet every day in NYC he hit the streets to photograph first responders, some of whom he got to know personally, including some who died from Covid. He’s got a huge heart and a great sense of how to engage his subjects to make powerful photos.
Very impressive. New York had it very tough. These brave nurses and paramedics and doctors: you cannot say enough about them. Long life.