Photographica Fair, Nieuwegein (NL), 11 Maart 2012


In Tabulas Argenteas Refero
Local time
4:52 PM
Jul 31, 2007
Next 'Fotografica Beurs' will be held in Nieuwegein on the 11th of March 2012.


Who's going?

Looks like I'll be there. Taken a friend who is looking to buy a 1940s compact 35mm for the Living History hobby.
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It's still plenty of time till then Derk. Plans change ;)

Oh, it looks like my NKVD FED needs a check-up. I had some frame overlaps on the test-roll. So I have another possible winter-project for you :D
Apparently Erfurt is given the weekend off around that date Derk, you cannot go there then :p it will probably have left for a long weekend to the Mediterranean then :D

No kidding, I will be there for sure!
Erfurt has an appointment with a friend of mine, and I've been asked to attend. So it's not going anywhere at all :D

But that's until & including the tenth. So I'll keep it in option, leaning towards 'will go' (I just may have some business to take care of there anyway). As for travel, I'll keep you posted Johan :cool:

A little update on the past event at Houten:

...old folks love old camera's...

...might as well take a nap since no one is really interested in my stuff...

...hé he looks familiar... lent me his DR 50 to take this shot....

..and again some old folks....

...nice guy (maybe a fellow member?), but I didn't buy his camera....

all shots taken on Fuji 100 asa, so at low shutterspeeds of 1/15 or 1/30 sec on a M2
Next Sunday it's on!

Look for the guy with the red 'Leica' shirt ;)

Will be bringing my Ikoflex III and Super Ikonta for Hans Kerensky to fondle. :D
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Guess I'll be wearing <-- that hat again then, although I also picked up a scruffy looking top hat recently. Guess that's too much to wear in public though :)

EDIT: Been reading up on the website just now and got some interesting facts to share:

  • it'll be the 70th edition of the fair:eek:
  • the organisation announced 300 tables with camera gear, darkroom gear, books and more
  • the new location in Nieuwegein will have much roomier accomodations than the crowded hall in Houten
  • there's likely several stands where you can sell gear although they underpay for gear
  • there's likely a stand where you can have gear repaired
  • there's likely several stands that sell fresh film too
All in all I'm really looking forward to going there and possibly meeting some of my fellow RFF members!
Hope to be there.
Look for a for a Rolleiflex carrying guy with a serious and at the same time vacant look.

I'll probably have my NEX 7 with me as well

Got the hat on, the bag on my shoulder, the coffee and croissants and a bottle of Scotch for John all packed up: See you guys in a few hours!
