Please share your 4x5" photos!


Open Museum Weekend 2019 - Dutch Army Engineer Museum
Speed Graphic, Kodak 127mm f/4.7 Ektar, Fomapan 100
I'm as surprised as you :)
This T-4 is a regular motorpool/maintenance/engineer soldier. But the T-4 rank is not reserved for just those military occupations.
A motion picture cameraman for example, has less grease to deal with ;)


Same event as above. WW1 Poilus. Missed the focus by *this* much.
Graflex Combat Graphic 4x5, Kodak 127mm f/4.7 Anastigmat Special, Fomapan 100

Kodak (Folmer&Schwing div) Top-Handle Speed Graphic, Erkos 135mm f/4.5 Doppel-Anastigmat "Selar" (dirty), Fomapan 100

War monument at La Glanerie, Rumes, Belgium
Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic
Kodak 127mm f/4.7 Ektar
Fomapan 100

Front shutter on my Anni was running a bit slow unfortunately.
That's been fixed now.
About to go on a road trip to the southwest I couldn't decide which camera to use. I had already done the the trip with Leica R, Rollei 6x6, and 4x5. So for something completely different I bought a Walker 4x5 pinhole camera. Here are two with Tmax 400, Rodinal 1:100 stand. This was my first try and couldn't imagine the details possible with pinhole.

I don't have a flat bed scanner and these were iPhone scans over a lightbox inverted in phone app and that's all. I am sure they would have looked better properly scanned and levels tweaked.

image1 by ray tai, on Flickr

image2 by ray tai, on Flickr