Plustek Opticfilm 120 Pro


Local time
7:51 PM
Nov 20, 2008
Now that is interesting - lack of focus was always a deal breaker for me. I'll have to see what the premium charged for this is though..

Thanks for the heads-up
Now that is interesting - lack of focus was always a deal breaker for me. I'll have to see what the premium charged for this is though..

Thanks for the heads-up

Indeed, for many people this was the reason for not buying the Plustek Opticfilm 120. Good they understood that and are willing to invest in improvements.

I have an OF120 unit now close to 5 years and hardly miss the focus feature except for when scanning mounted slides were the thickness of the slide mount also plays a significant role.

btw I did not see or hear anything from the new Pro untill I stumbled upon a new download map at the Plustek Support site :)
Lack of focus is a total non issue unless you are scanning mounted slides.

I'm glad to see that Plustek is making improvements to their 120 scanner. There would be a lot of improvements that I would recommend.

I've been using my Plustek 120 scanner for nearly 4 years and never have seen any banding in images.
At the German Photokina fair in September 2018 Plustek presented an updated OpticFilm 120, the name got the addition "Pro".

Some of the major improvements :
- Manual adjustment of focus possible.
- Coded film carriers which are automaticly recognised by the scanner.
- Faster film carrier transport

At Plustek Germany this blog article with some images :

Not a lot of information at this link, but it does say that Plustek plans to start selling the improved model at the beginning of 2019. There's also the opportunity to sign up for updates, which I did. I'll translate and post anything new.

This may finally prod me to pull the trigger on one of these.
Thanks Chip and thanks OP for sharing. It sounds interesting. I had a Plustek 120 previously and found it reliable once I'd got used to a few little quirks.
Plus it's always really good to hear of any new developments in film scanning, especially medium format.
Did they ever fix the banding issues that plagued these scanners, or at least, plagued the people who talked about them online?

Banding is still an issue. Hope they will address that too.
Banding generally only shows up in the sky part of negatives which have a sky visible with a certain type of blue color and density. For me personally not a big deal.
Banding is still an issue. Hope they will address that too.
Banding generally only shows up in the sky part of negatives which have a sky visible with a certain type of blue color and density. For me personally not a big deal.

Does that mean there is no banding when scanning slides? And perhaps B&W negatives?

- Murray
Banding is still an issue. Hope they will address that too.
Banding generally only shows up in the sky part of negatives which have a sky visible with a certain type of blue color and density. For me personally not a big deal.

I have scanned thousands of images on my Plustek 120 and have never once seen banding.
I have scanned thousands of images on my Plustek 120 and have never once seen banding.

That's a good thing to know !

Sometimes there are cases in which low quality film development might show similarity to banding. I had quite a discussion about this image from a Normandy trip. After further testing (90 degree rotation scan) I could only conclude that fault was in the film, not in the Plustek :

La Normandie in 6x6 (29) by Hans Kerensky, on Flickr
I thought my OF120 was fine but then noticed this after desaturating everything but yellow and green.


I bought my scanner in 2014 and it was replaced because of this issue. When the new one came, it seemed to have a transport issue which took me a while to figure out what was going on. Plustek offered to replace it again, I seem to recall, but I didn't want to cause a fuss or waste a precious day off waiting for another scanner to be delivered. Then I drifted away from medium format and the scanner has laid dormant since then. The photo above is a file scanned in about 2016.
So, I've been in touch with Plustek to see if they can help me out, acknowledging that my scanner is well out of warranty. They haven't been in touch with me directly, but have told my dealer that they can't help me out because the model is discontinued.
Firstly, it sounds like the model is indeed discontinued.
Secondly, I'm pretty peeved that I supported Plustek as an early adopter of this scanner, and it sounds like they don't want to stand by their 4 year old product which has a known fault.
Thirdly, I would recommend that nobody races into buying that new OF120Pro scanner, and if they do, thoroughly test it to your satisfaction and act on any problems immediately. You never know when a company you have a high regard for, and thought you had a good relationship with, is going to let you down.
We'll see what happens regarding my own situation.
Pete, is the image with banding that you posted above from color negative or color slide film?

It sounds like Plustek stood by the scanner when you bought it, but you chose not to follow up on it at that time (if I understood you correctly). I'm not surprised that they won't help you four years later with a scanner long out of warranty and discontinued. I would be disinclined to fault their customer service under such circumstances. Your experience does bring into question the general reliability of the product, however. Let's hope the new scanner has the bugs worked out.

- Murray
That's a good thing to know !

Sometimes there are cases in which low quality film development might show similarity to banding. I had quite a discussion about this image from a Normandy trip. After further testing (90 degree rotation scan) I could only conclude that fault was in the film, not in the Plustek :

La Normandie in 6x6 (29) by Hans Kerensky, on Flickr

This is definitely uneven developing, not a scanning issue.
Pete, is the image with banding that you posted above from color negative or color slide film?

It sounds like Plustek stood by the scanner when you bought it, but you chose not to follow up on it at that time (if I understood you correctly). I'm not surprised that they won't help you four years later with a scanner long out of warranty and discontinued. I would be disinclined to fault their customer service under such circumstances. Your experience does bring into question the general reliability of the product, however. Let's hope the new scanner has the bugs worked out.

- Murray

C41 film.
Yes, I can see that side of the argument, but it sounds like the design was faulty from the outset, and in Europe manufacturers are suppose to supply back up for 10 years (I think). I guess I shouldn't expect much from them. I'll not be buying another scanner now. I have to say I think the 7000 and 8000 series scanners are brilliant little things. I love my 8100.
this announcement is very interesting.
I'm quite happy with my 120 but I'd buy the new version if there were other improvements over the adjustable focus (not a problem for me, never scanned a slide...)
this announcement is very interesting.
I'm quite happy with my 120 but I'd buy the new version if there were other improvements over the adjustable focus (not a problem for me, never scanned a slide...)

It would be nice if Plustek had their own software rather rely on the awful SilverFast. That software is horribly designed and ridiculously buggy. They could massively improve their scanner and the experience with it if they just took control of the software side. I can't imagine this would be difficult for them since they intimately know the hardware. It is such a shame that one is reduced to using SilverFast to get full operation of this fine scanner.