Polaroid 6x12 conversion


Local time
6:16 PM
Sep 10, 2008
Hi Folks - Happy New Year to all!

Just getting to the end of this 6x12 conversion - thought I might post some pics of the final. This is my first camera conversion, so went for something simple.

Click this bar to view the small image.

This started out as a Model95 that was given to me by a good friend. And since I always wanted a wider format, I thought this would be ideal for a 6x12 conversion.

The camera was in pretty good shape as an original, but unusable due to lack of film. I just started getting back into film and kept lusting a wider format than the 6x6.

I stripped down the camera of the original covering and proceeded to lighten it as much as possible. I must say that I am impressed at the build quality of the Polaroids - like a Tank! I cant remember how many rivets I had drilled out of that thing.

The original lense was drilled out and replaced with a 127mm and the whole body recovered with Ostrich Skin. The original bellows were stretched out since the original opening was only 10.5cm. The whole project was a bit of "adjust this-n-that as you go along" since I couldn't find any info on this conversion.

I still have to adjust/shim the lense and then set up infinity focus (which is probably going to entail re-notching the focusing stops and recreating another focusing scale)

I've got some in-progress shots at http://www.pbase.com/qzone/polaroid_6x12&page=1

I'll post resulting pics from this camera when I get a chance.

Let me know what you think of the conversion.

Cheers, B.
Nice to see an oldie saved from the scrap heap! You've done a beautiful job of the conversion, thanks for sharing the before and after images.

awesome job, let's see some pics taken with this thing please!
Thanks guys, glad you like it. That Ostrich skin does add a unique look. I suspect that orange colour is going to attract some attention when shooting though!

Many thanks to my friend Ed Warner for his help in the machine work. He's a bit of a collector and was generous to give me this donor (He like the wooden stuff!)

I've got a few things to sort out (Lense shim, mounting ring, infinity focus, focus scale and cable release mount). Hope to get through them next week or so. I forsee, making another focusing stop rack with new notches. All part of the fun!

I'll let you know how the shots come out.

Cheers, B.