Polaroid Film at Good Price?

Thanks again. It's true the cameras are a crowd pleaser. Some photos from Jerome, AZ below. I couldn't go two steps without people stopping to talk about the camera.

I also have a Polaroid Big Shot that I take to parties. Unfortunately I have no scans from the Big Shot because people want to keep the pictures for themselves!


Vince, I like the way you store your prints, is that just glue between the print and the notebook?
Well, if we are talking packfilm now, I have two PF cameras; Polaroid Automatic 100, and the Polaroid Colorpack II. They have different lenses: one glass and one plastic. But alas, they seem to be the same. One very major plus; women love the way they look when photographed with these cameras. They like it so much that I bought one on Ebay and grafted the lenses to a lens cap for my 6x7. This is with the old '67 beater but the couple liked the photo:


John, that's a lovely photo. Is that the 667?
Will: thanks. The prints are just scotch-taped into a notebook of acid free sketch paper. I want it to be crude and simple.

John: I agree, that's a helluva portrait. You've got all the elements working for you: light, tone, subjects, energy. Imagine how much *less* powerful this picture would be in color!
Thanks vdonovan and Will, black and white for close portraits when I'm doing them, on this one I used my Automatic 100 with the portrait attachment. It was FujiFP100b. It really makes skin creamy. Next time you are doing a portrait take a Polaroid along and see how it holds up.
Never heard of the Big Shot... I just looked it up... what a wacky camera! I bet that one REALLY draws a crowd!

Really digging those AZ shots... I like the 3000B film (sneakers above were taken with it). Hey, I see in your signature you have a Fuji Instax... how do you like it? I was tossing around the idea of the Diana+ with Instax back, but I think it's a little pricey for what it is.

I also thought of getting the Diana Instax back. Yes too pricey and too small for prints (credit card size). The film is also a little pricey. I sure miss the instant 4x5's I used to do with my Anniversary Graphic. I shot my last batch of Polacolor film during Christmas. I should pick up one of the instant pack cameras, maybe those days are not gone forever. Good thread!
K14 - Yeah, it's kinda a shame about the Diana and it's back. There's also a polaroid back for the Holga but that's kinda pricey too, and while it can use the Fuji Pack film, it's means to use T80 series film. If I had money to throw away I might try it, but I think I'll stick with my $25 Land Cam for now ;)
I'm looking into a Land Cam too, can't find any in the UK though. The ones I've found in the USA are the lesser models, and I'm a snob, so that just won't do (stamps feet).

I may just get a large format beast and try finding stuff for that. :)
Try to find an Automatic 100, glass lens, rangefinder, and you can find a portrait attachment (that works with the RF). If you want to be really snobby get a Automatic 195 or its cousins.
Try to find an Automatic 100, glass lens, rangefinder, and you can find a portrait attachment (that works with the RF). If you want to be really snobby get a Automatic 195 or its cousins.

100 (101, 102, 103 etc.) have glass lens, rangefinder focus and separate viewfinder.

250/350/360/450 all have glass lens, rangefinder focus and viewfinder in one window.

All above can be had for $30 or less through ebay.

180 is the "best" with the ability to really control aperture. However, they get quite pricey. $400-$800 isn't unheard of.
I used to have a 180, it was a great camera to use. And the Zeiss finder that's on it is pretty useful (the framelines move not only to compensate for parallax, but also for the changing angle of view of the lens at different focus points!)

Traded it for a Zeiss Super Ikonta A ...AND a B+J 5x7 camera.

Now I walk around w/ my Speed Graphic and either the 405 or 550 backs... After a day of that though, I definitely miss how small the 180 was (in comparison at least).
Larky, my two Polaroids take 'packfilm' which is either Fuji: FP3000b, FP100c or FP100c, at least I think those are the numbers. I had a SX-70 which used 600 series film, but I couldn't get it anymore so I sent it off to a friend on Flickr. I think she has run out of film too.
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CharJohn: You can get 600 film on ebay, but it isn't exactly cheap.

Larky: As for the pack cameras... the 100, 101, 102 (etc.) and 250, 350, 360, 450 and 180 all take the same film. 100 series film. The easiest to get is the Fuji FP-3000b (b&W, high speed), FP100C (color) and FP100B (B&W).

Since you helped me so much with deciding to develop film myself (and I've been practicing with the reels!), ask me all the questions you want on Polaroid :)
I just bought 100 exposures

I just bought 100 exposures

for $149.00 with free shipping, which is a good price on eBay. My SLR 680SE is still making nice pix so I just can't stop myself :p

Larky, my two Polaroids take 'packfilm' which is either Fuji: FP3000b, FP100c or FP100c, at least I think those are the numbers. I had a SX-70 which used 600 series film, but I couldn't get it anymore so I sent it off to a friend on Flickr. I think she has run out of film too.

Mary in SW Florida, USA
I just sent my Trusty Sonar SX70se, modified for 600, to someone on Flickr who has film. Bought it new in 1985. The Modified SX70 can use the 1.5x Telephoto lens, something that cannot be used on the SLR680 and SLR690, unless you break the "focus-tab" off of it.
@ vdonovan and brian sweeney

@ vdonovan and brian sweeney

Thanks, Vince; it's an homage to Kertesz and a sort of double entendre to how he worked in his last days.

And, Brian, you mean you sent the camera off because you don't have film for it?

Mary in SW Florida, USA