Post Anything from your FILM SLR here-----

I'll put another in, good tread: Pentax ZX-5 with 20mm Pentax lens, Kodak Gold 200.



[Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax M 50mm/f1.7; Tri-X in HC-110; Nikon Coolscan 5000ED, resize, levels etc. in PS CS4.]



These are from the lowly Canon EOS 3000 (equivalent to the Rebel G in US terms, I believe) with the EF 28/2.8. Not a lot of people would call this a great camera - but it was the one I learned with. For six years, this was my "serious" camera. Still works. Surprisingly tough little lump of plastic.

First image is converted to B&W from Portra 160, the others are Kodak BW400CN, IIRC.

Taken with my Nikon F3, 24mm f2.8, and Velvia 50. Love how this lens can close-focus yet give a wide angle view.
Hasselblad 500C/M
Zeiss 150mm lens
Ilford Pan F+ 50 ISO film


Hasselblad 500C/M
Zeiss 60mm lens
Rollei Pan 25 film

Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, 180mm f/4.5 long barrel, Fuji Neopan 400.

I printed the photo on Ilford MGIV multigrade RC paper, along with several other prints, so that the Fine Arts photo professor at my school (I'm a teaching/lab assistant) would have prints to practice toning on. Blue split-toning, grabbed a shot of the finished print with my iPhone.
