Presents left in unattended cameras


Nikon Freak
Local time
11:43 PM
Jan 27, 2012
My granddaughter Casey has a habit of leaving me mirror self-portraits when I leave one of my cameras unattended.

I used to do the same thing, only they were usually shoes/feet..
Until I got in trouble at a wedding, and wasted all the table disposable cameras on all the guests shoes... :)
My cousin was not happy when they returned from being developed....
I used to do the same thing, only they were usually shoes/feet..
Until I got in trouble at a wedding, and wasted all the table disposable cameras on all the guests shoes... :)
My cousin was not happy when they returned from being developed....

On Santas naughty list are we?:rolleyes:
It could be a lot worse... Having a sense of humour that rarely rises above the gutter, I have often been guilty of having left photos of the cleft of a flexed elbow on people's phones and cameras. Try it... take a photo of said cleft from very close up, and see which other out-of-focus cleft it resembles...:angel: It can have interesting results when the owner is easily shocked and/or with the drink taken.

(I know, I'm sick. So what?)
For some reason, the thought of the nude *ss sitting on the glass of the Xerox machine at the Christmas party comes to mind. And, it was a slender female *ss. Much discussed but never acknowledged.
I have trouble with my 5 year old son that pulls a chair close to the drawer I have my film cameras on and presses all buttons he can reach. I have the habit to leave some of the with the shutter cocked (yes, those FSU ones that you need to select a shutter speed after cocking the shutter).
When I develop the films, I get plenty of shots with his off focus face. I print them all out, and I will hand them over to him once he's old enough, so they might mean something special to him.
I don't yell at him as he seems to love them and I would like eventually photography becoming his passion too.
I have often been guilty of having left photos of the cleft of a flexed elbow on people's phones and cameras.

Friends of mine have done that with another friends digital point&shoot left unattended, except it wasn't an elbow cleft but the real deal :D
Have the same problem if I leave my camera with my nefew around. Biggest problem is that his shots are miles better than mine...