Resale value

MP Guy

Just another face in the crowd
Staff member
Local time
2:39 AM
Jul 28, 2003
With all the M6 and M7 coming in from Hong Kong at such good deals, do you think it is having an impact on the resale value of newer M6's or even M7's? I only ask because someone offered me 900.00 for an M6 TTl in new condition . It even has the protective film on the bottom . Not that I am selling but this is what happened.
$ 900 was a little too low. But then, there must be some going that low on eBay... I just haven't found them.

In any case, maybe the Leica market is so small the HK pieces might be altering it a bit. I only wish it were in my favor... :(
$900 is low by any, if not most, standars. As of early September '03, they seem to go for at least $1,200 on eBay and other places.

Long term value, who knows, digital will take over in the medium to long term, we all know that.
digital. Too bad. I can just see it. 2006 Leica announces MD1. A fully automatic digital M series camera with 9 mega Pixels. How sad :(
Digital is good for prices

Digital is good for prices

Actually, I was talking to my lcs and he told me that the prices of the film cameras are going down because of the digital craze. He said that even the Leica stuff would start dropping soon. <drool>

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Let's hope, Henricus. It's been happening in some cases with Medium format; now you can easily pick up a Mamiya 645 with an 80mm lens, finder and film piece for about $ 450.

Imagine a Leica M3 going for that much...

[drool] :) :) :)
The deals on new and used gear, from Asia and Europe, are VERY dependent on the status of the dollar against those other currencies. I have purchased new Leica lenses from Poon in Hong Kong when the dollar was strong and got a terrific deal. Recently, however, the Hong Kong prices are somewhat higher. If the world did what Europe did and we all used the Euro as currency, everyone would buy at home.(and third world countries would starve). just thinking out loud. No need for a discussion on world economics.
World economic conditions and the 'value of the dollar' would affect prices on new equiment. It might be intersting to see IF they have any effect on used or discontinued models.

A recent bit in Pop Photo said some buyer paid well over $100,000 for the first M-3 ever made - the first serial number. The article said the camera, was in excellent working condition. I wonder if it has ever had film in it.
Dollar valuation

Dollar valuation

I worked as a sales person in a high end camera shop part time about eight years ago when the Yen was slaughtering the dollar. I had several Japanese customers who were collectors who would stop in to see me when they were in town and they would literally buy out all the Leica goodies we had taken in over the past couple months. They would pick and choose stuff but they also realized the valuation of thier currency was an enormous savings to them. Some would even buy from me to sell once they got back to Japan, knowing the market demands over there and the profit they could still earn due to the lower value of the dollar and their buying power with a strong Yen. My Japanese customers were some of my best, very respectful and knew what they were after, and always a pleasure to deal with.