RF vs. P&P

How about a Leica CL or CLE w/ a 35 to 50 lens? Plenty small and great optics. Or a Contax G1 w/ your lens of choice? Not to mention the Konica Hexar AF. The latter two are essentially P&S's. But of course they don't make them anymore, so you'll have to buy used . I am still dubious about any digital P&S replacing a quality film camera if image quality is important. If you shoot B&W there is no alternative to film. So I do not see the digicams replacing the film RF's for the photographer who values the best quality image he can get. Sure, you can get higher quality from a medium format camera, but that is no longer a walk around camera in my opinion. This is all why I seldom carry my digital camera anymore. I have had too many cases where I got the shot I wanted, only to get home and look at the image and think "if only I had captured it on film".
I carry daily 2 to 3 cameras.

My G9, a Contax T2 and occasionally my Canonet (bottom winding). I love that the T2 and I have been beating the snot out of it for almost 15 years and still works like a charm. The canonet is a great camera but I get more people asking about it when I am out and about. The photos are sharp and the exposure is dead on.

Until I bought the G9 last fall, I shot with the G2. My friends always asked me why I would shot with such a brick. As a man in his late 40's I feel comfortable enough to carry a small man bag to hold the G2 in. My second camera was an Argus C3 so I was comfortable with that size.

And that comes to the issue...size. To manufacture a camera today you can not think in terms of less than 100000 units. I know that I should not refer to cameras as units but this is the real world. The G9 is pushing beyond that but how long will it take to sell 100K of the M8??

I use the phrase at work..."it's the fool not the tool!". It is nice to get a nice piece of machinery in your hands but do you really need it??

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NOW I recognize you! :)

I appreciate the link from your blog, thanks. :)

:D My pleasure! I really enjoyed your South Omaha piece.

On topic, IIRC, Walt Odets has replaced his M8s with a pair of GR-DIIs and feels that the Ricohs draw more like 35mm film, and as such, fits his work even better than the M8 (which he had all sorts of trouble with).