New York RFF Hits NYC June 28


Staff member
Local time
2:44 AM
Jul 30, 2003
As many know there will be meeting of RFF members in New York City on Tuesday, June 28.

We will be meeting at 10:30 at the clock (information booth) in Grand Central Station.

Other than a "healthy" lunch, our agenda is open, and surely full of time for snapping shutters.

It is time to start thinking of who will be joining us. I suggest that we share some cell phone numbers so that we can keep track of where we are on the 28. I volunteer to collect the numbers and to distribute them next week.

Let us know here if you can make it, and if you would like to share a cell number send it to:

[email protected]

So, who is in? I hope to meet as many RFFers as possible!!! ;)
I intend to be there and hope to see and meet all.
Kurt M.
i'm getting curious as to who will actually be able to show up.

bill m, did you guys make all the plans work? will you be joining us?

john, the new yorker who sold me his 35/2 lens, just had some great news, he & his wife had their first baby and it looks like he will be able to join us also. i'm looking forward to meeting him.

kind of a bummer that ray g is gonna miss our gathering. i hope he & his family are doing ok.

one thing that i'm a bit irritated with at the moment is myself.
i keep changing my mind as to what gear to bring.

should i bring the 28? and then to take along the finder.
which 35? new york might look good with a hi res low contrast lens or maybe a higher contrast lens to show off that n.y. edge?
and long, that one is easy. the tiny 100 will in the bag. while i love that 85/2 it is bigger and heavier and i want the lightest possible kit to carry through 3 airports.
and a 50? first i thought i'd keep it on the iv sb, simple. but now i'm thinking that maybe i just need one camera to carry.
the newly refurbished p is working very nice and should be ok for 2 weeks of solo duty.
also means a smaller bag, could get away with the billingham s3.

so, maybe the 35/2 on the p and the 100/3.5 tag-a-long. very small light and simple.

now, what about film....?

Well, take everything for the 2 weeks.

Decide what you want for the day.

Or, be strong, choose a small kit and pack lots a film. Let the images come to you, be the film, feel it...
take everything?

hadn't even thought of that option!

nah, too old to carry it all for long.

as of now it's--- one p with 35 and the 100. either 15 or 35 rolls of film.

i'll sleep on it.
Joe, keep in mind the possibility of humid, hazy NYC weather where a high contrast lens(es) would be preferable and the possibility of just the opposite. Perhaps a minimum of cameras and a maximum of lenses would be ideal. The weather has been crazy lately.
Looking forward to the 28th.
Kurt M.
It is such sweet agony to decide what gear to take on a trip. I love/hate/love being in that position. If I were going (and I wish I were) I would bring a M2 with Canon 35 f2.8, 50mm 'Cron, 90mm Elmar, and the CL with 40mm and infra-red or colour film.
Scarpia said:
Joe, keep in mind the possibility of humid, hazy NYC weather where a high contrast lens(es) would be preferable and the possibility of just the opposite. Perhaps a minimum of cameras and a maximum of lenses would be ideal. The weather has been crazy lately.
Looking forward to the 28th.
Kurt M.

more to consider...

if i were here what would i likely take on a day trip?
2 cameras with 35/50/100. or just 1 cam & 1 lens.
for street shooting (or whatever we're calling it now- did we ever decide?) i would use both 35 & 50 and use the 100 for either portraits or something a bit different than my norm.
i'm tempted to shoot with the 28 but that means the external finder and being noticed more.
don't know if i mentioned this before but that finder draws stares and attracts attention. people are not used to seeing these things anymore. but the 28 was great for hip shots, better than the 35 for dof/hperfocal shooting.
also i'm still learning how to use that 28 - do i want to 'learn' while away?
